Imagine #38 -- Kai of EXO

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I walk into my dance class. I had only just joined today and this was my first lesson. No one took notice of me so I ignored them and put my bag in the corner of the room. I start warming up, stretching and doing simple dance moves. A guys walks in, he looks fit but around my age, I doubt he could be our teacher, But he is. The rest of the class come and stand in a line, so I join and copy the others. He tells us to warm up, and I notice his low voice. I do as I'm told, continuing to warm up. I learn his name is Kai.

"Okay, let's dance" He says. We start off with a simple dance but move up in difficulty as the lesson progresses. He walks around the room, helping and bossing people around until they get the dance right. I do my own thing; dancing happily with the routine we had been shown. Kai walks past and watches my dance, trying to pick out something wrong in it. I finish the last step and look up at him. His face holds a blank expression and he just looks at me, even though I'm not dancing anymore.

"Are you the new dancer?" He asks, realizing why he didn't know the girls name.

"Yea" I replied simply. I didn't mean to be so straight forward but I didn't think it would take this long for a teacher to realize they had a new student...

"Y-You're doing well, keep going..." He says awkwardly. 'What happened to all that bossiness that you gave the others?' I think to myself and shrug, continuing to dance. At the end of the lesson I walked to the corner of the room where I had put my bag, taking out my drink bottle.

"What's your name" I turn around and see Kai behind me, a bit close so I take a step away casually.

"________" I respond, taking a sip of my water. I had only just put the cap back on when Kai walked towards me, making my back go against the wall.

"Will you show me a dance next lesson?" He says, smirking a bit. I look at him, taking in his smirk and playful gaze.

"Only if you show me one too" I say, smirking back and picking up my bag. 'This will be fun' I think to myself as I leave the dance room, Kai watching me the whole way out.

'I have never seen anyone move like that' Kai thinks, smirking to himself before leaving out the other door, looking forward to his next lesson with me.

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