Suck My Big Toe

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"That motherfucker sent me into a fucking anime."

Author's POV

YN groaned in frustration, it was cold, she was tired and she felt out of place. Which was normal, obviously, being in a new world is all. Her feet moved through the thick grass, having to pick up her legs just to walk. The mansion in the distance grew bigger. It had gray type brick, making it seem like it had a gloomy aura but the feel was overthrown by the pretty rose bushes and two grand staircases that led to the door. YN prayed, prayed, to whoever could hear her that it would be Ciel's mansion.

When she stepped onto the gravel roadway, she sighed in relief ready to get some help. YN stopped at the bottom of the staircases, staring up at the big wooden door at the top. Sucking in a breath she readied herself for utter embarrassment. Being a female and wearing shorts is not exactly a good thing to have in the Victorian times.

When she got to the big door she knocked on it hard, like it was Peter's face. Then, after a full minute of desperate knocking, there was the silence of waiting. Clouds above moved and the wind blew, sweeping YN's hair ever so slightly. Rain, she thought, just what would happen on my arrival.

She was so dazed by the clouds that she didn't see a certain raven-haired, crimson-eyed, pale ass butler standing in front of her.

"Sebastian?" YN said with a smile of hope gracing her lips as she stepped forward a bit.

Sebastian stared at her in utter shock, wondering if what he was seeing was a demon hallucination. He squinted at her a bit as he said, "Miss YN? What in the bloody hell are you doing here?"

YN's smiled dropped and she put her hands on her hips, as if ready to give a scolding. She shrugged, sarcastically, casually answering with, "Oh, you know, hunting elephants because that's what you do in the fucking wild! SEBASTIAN WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M HERE FOR?"

The butler glared at her before opening the door more for her to come in. "Would like to come in, Miss?"

"Of course I want to come in, it's cold," YN said rushing inside.

Okay, YN thought as she looked around, this is a lot nicer in real life than in anime. The chandelier hanging above, wallpaper, and even the floor looked extravagant. It was outstanding. Breaking out of her trance, Sebastian settled a hand on her back to lead her to a room where she could rest.

Okay, the house was huge. Using the word big was an understatement. There were so may twists and turns to get to one room made YN's head spin. That didn't matter when she was presented with a bed to sleep in.

"Oh thank the bejesus!" YN screamed as she flopped down on the comfortable mattress. It was like being on a cotton cloud. The dark blue covers smelled like lavender and were a perfect plush that made the h/c girl smile. It felt good to not been on her feet.

It was so quiet that YN wondered if Sebastian had left, when she looked up she wasn't surprised to see him gone. That didn't last long. Within a blink, he returned with a corset and dress with either hand. Shrieking, YN threw herself off the bed and under it.

"I refuse!"

"Miss YN you don't even know-"

"No corsets! I am perfect as is!"

"It's improper!"

"You're improper!"

"Fine," There was a pause. "No gravy-covered mashed potatoes fo-"

"I swear to this heavenish bed that if you pull the corset too hard I will make your demonsicles roll," YN said slowly crawling out from the bed and going towards Sebastian.

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