BS You've Consumed

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She was sweet, but, to the butler, she was also a very good dinner. 


"Well, isn't that a whole lot of dead?"

YN circled around with Alois, scared out of her wits but at the same time super interested. Her hand was entangled in the back of his jacket, causing the annoyance of being tugged at. 

It had been days of no killings and endless silly arguments, now they were met with a victim of the now evolving murder. Now laid on the rubble of a back alley road, a nameless brunette with a bullet to the back of her head and red hue oozing out of her body. 

Sebastian kneeled to the dead girl, taking his hand and moving her head side to side. He looked as though he was determined to find out what had caused her to experience such a painful death but at the same time such an odd one as well. Standing up straight, the butler removed the contaminated glove as spoke, "It seems that the bullet pierced through the parietal part of her cranium, where it seems to be lodged into her brain. Ultimately, this wound was rushed because the victim didn't die right​ away."

Alois stopped abruptly, making YN let out an 'oof' as she ran into his back, "Someone would have been bound to notice her sooner or later, it's a very crowded neighborhood."

That's when she noticed it. YN had spotted a potato- or one in bits- next to the body, as to why nobody else noticed was not important as the h/c lady broke her grip on the jacket and race horse speed made her way over to the bits. "A potato silenced the gunshot."

Ciel stopped to give her a bewildered look, "A potato? How in the hell does it do that?"

YN smiled, glad of her time on the internet, and answered delightfully, "Well, you see, it's not very effective but at the same time it's not completely useless. It muffles the sound and at the same time getting rid of evidence. When the gunshot is muffled, and seeing that we're surrounded by brick buildings, the sound wouldn't have echoed as much as if it weren't silenced."

Just as the explanation left her mouth carriages paraded up and officers of Scotland Yard filed out of each and every one of them. As soon as they came, YN was removed from the crime scene and set with an odd looking officer.

He looked a lot like Santa Clause but with black hair. The jolly cheeks tinted with red, a black beard framing his chubby face and a big, creepy smile. 

He leaned toward the girl with a cocky attitude, "Well, aren't you a pretty one."

YN gave the man a look that was warning but it seemed to fly right over his head. Did this guy not get that she could probably remove his left nut if he pissed her off enough? "So I've been told. Would you mind backing up a bit? I can smell all the bull shit you've consumed."

The guy seemed genuinely surprised by the response and stepped back, gripping his belt. He eyed YN, almost like trying to figure out if she really belonged here or maybe she was a time traveler.

Unfortunately, time traveling was not the only thing on his mind. He noticed how shiny her h/c locks were and her beautiful s/c skin in the morning mist among the sunlight. YN was an attractive girl and he certainly knew that. As her eyes tried to look past the ungodly amount of carriages and the now appearing crowd, she tried to catch a glimpse of one of her friends. The officer took this moment to take his hand and smack it on her behind. 

Oh no, was he about to have a fifty percent chance of never having kids. YN turned and automatically bitched slapped the fuck out of the officer, calling him anything but his own name. 

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