Freak in the Sheets and the Streets

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This [the case] was definitely going to be difficult.


"Sebastian, have you created a list of suspects just yet," Ciel questioned, signing off on yet another blur of a document. 

The Butler pulled out a list, "Indeed, My Lord. There are several suspects here, some relating to cultism to-"

"I don't have time for a lecture about how they could be potential or not, I need each one evaluated. The fewer suspects we have the more of a lead we have to go on," The Young Master said as he pulled a teacup to his lips.  

Sebastian countered his statement all the same, "Young Master, the fewer suspects we have the more of a chance this case will go unsolved and the Queen put into more distress."

The blue-haired boy rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, "After all the cases we have solved you think we're this far from finding the murderer? Just go lower the suspect list, that's an order."

Bowing, the raven-haired male turned on his heel to tend to the duty, leaving everything in peace. Ciel quietly signed off more papers, thinking about how these girls could have been killed. Supposedly the ladies who were given off were set to meet up- The train of thought of the Queen's Guard Dog was cut off when YN came running in nothing but a tank top and her underwear. She didn't bother to say hi when she ran around his desk, pushed the chair out of the way and hid in the space for his legs. 

Bewildered, she was questioned, "YN, what in the bloody hell are you doing? Why are you dressed like that? It's very much unladylike."

YN rolled her eyes and whispered, "Ciel, you only want me to put on some clothes so you don't pitch a tent so far down south. Now, as to why I'm here; Claude."

Taken back, the boy asked, "Claude? Why are you hiding from him in your undergarments?"

"He's trying to put a corset on me! Those things hurt, you should know Miss Phantomhive," Just as the words left her mouth the Trancy butler walked in holding a white lace corset. 

He didn't even bother to glance at Ciel as he leaned his head forward to call to the hidden girl, "Miss, come out here this instant to put on your corset."

"No!" The childish answer was muffled by the oak wood desk. 

"Miss YN," Claude's tone was now a warning one. 

Ciel, having enough of the childish antics, waved a hand at Alois's butler, "Leave her be. She can't hide all day."

YN pouted, crossing her arms, "I can, too! Watch me and eat my dust, Ciel Phatomhive."

The said boy didn't respond and simply stood up from his desk to go consult his partner. Claude, still being a pervert for Ciel, watched him do so gracefully. "Leave her there, she'll have to come out eventually."

Ignoring the protest from under the desk, the young man continued on his way to the lounge to tell Alois about the progress he had made. Just as he entered another male figure came hurtling at him, making him stumble back a bit. Once still, he noticed it was none other than Arthur who was chasing after Alois, who seemed to be utterly annoyed. 

"Alois please," The brunette pleaded. "I just need one lock of your beautiful golden hair."

The blonde young man gave YN's ex-friend a look that said 'what the fuck is wrong with you' and continued to keep a safe distance. "Who do you think you are? Samson?"

Now angered, Arthur threw himself at Alois, tackling him to the ground. They rolled around a bit, a bit more than necessary. 

"Why," Ciel looked up at the ceiling. "Why do I have to be paired with him?"

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