Pumpkin Munchkin

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"Yes, but not as crazy as me. Though they say the crazy people are the wisest ones, no?"

"Then I guess we're the wisest people on Earth."


YN didn't sleep that night, instead, she strode around the manor's halls. She was alone, Alois had fallen asleep hours ago and took up the bed.

The moonlight peeking in from outside of the windows made a path she could follow without falling. It was quiet, the only sound was the faint scurrying of animals who were out and about in the night. 

She wondered until the stars turned into the sunlight and the skies started to turn from black to blue. It was about six AM when Claude decided to find his master's finance and treaded the corridors in his search. 

"Miss YN," He said when he found her heading back towards the bedroom. "Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I didn't sleep at all." She said, motioning him to follow. Claude did so, following YN with a neutral expression. When she came to the double doors she swung them open to find a still sleeping blonde Lord. Since YN had time to clear her mind she was in a better mood than before and felt like being playful. 

"Your Highness," Claude said as they approached the bed.  "It is-"

He stopped he saw YN climb onto the bed and straddle the boy, who woke up as he felt the weight of another body on him. "Good morning!" She sang and threw her arms in the air. 

"You're in a good mood," Alois stated. "Claude, go open the curtains it's too dark in here."

The butler did so and then left his master with his new finance. "I had time to clear my head," YN answered back and climbed off the boy, taking a seat next to him. "By the way, how did you two set up the ball so fast? I only arrived four days ago. Fuck me with a bucket, I've been here for four days!"

The light burst in, showing what had come in the hours of YN being awake. She watched as the Trancy butler walk toward the closet and pull out his master's clothes then he magically pulled out a dress. 

"His Highness ordered me to organize the ball as soon as he heard of your arrival," Claude said as he pulled out a corset. YN groaned at the sight of the corset, knowing that Claude would not be as merciful as Sebastian. 

"Alright," YN said hopping off the bed. She cracked her knuckles then her neck. "Let's do this! I am ready for that corset!"

-five minutes later-

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I lied!" YN screamed as she gripped the bed's headboard. Claude tugged at the strings again, trying to get them perfect. "I am never going to be ready for a corset!...Shit! Motherfucker, I hate you. No more balls, no more corsets- Someone is going to get- Ow!"

Giving the corset one last tug the butler tied it, completing the task he was made to do. YN fell to her knees clutching her stomach. 

"My organs feel like they've been stuffed into a burrito!" She groaned. YN peered up at Alois who was smiling down at her. 

Alois too busy laughing to help YN, howling at the words she screamed at his butler. It wasn't until Claude had gotten her fully dressed that he calmed down and that was a full twenty minutes of more cursing. YN was about to step out of the room when Alois called her back and she saw everything the stars above had given him. Okay, the moon was pale- But Alois's ass was paler. Without warning he threw his underwear at her, making her shriek. 

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