You Blonde Magical Fruck

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YN rolled her eyes and said, "That shit candy you gave me was only half eaten before I spit it out when you weren't looking. Next time, stick to Funtom candy, Bitch."

Warning: There are mentions of abuse and suicide. Very briefly and vague.


To say Ciel was working his ass off was an understatement. He had been going through every newspaper clipping, file, death certificate that was even related to the 'Innocent Murders'. After about not sleeping for almost two days, he had Sebastian bring coffee. Yeah, coffee. Ciel was desperate to find YN alive.

Because, if he didn't find YN alive not only would Samson go crazy and possibly kill everyone in the townhouse, it was related to the case, so it was nesscary too. Besides that, it's not like Ciel had absolutely wanted to find YN. No, he was just doing calm the Queen. At least, that's was what he told himself.

Now, with Alois, he was most likely the most agitated one. Despite the blonde's countless orders to help with the case, Claude couldn't give two pink magical flying shits. No, Claude was more worried about his master. Alois's soul was his main priority, especially when it came down to getting dirty.

As for Samson and Arthur, well...

"No, you blonde magical fuck!" The brunette yelled and smacked the flour out of Sam's hand. The powder went flying to the ground, causing a cloud to erupt upward making Samson's skin turn from an olive dark to sugar coated.

Glaring at Arthur, the Magic Man picked up and egg to throw at his face. Before he could, though, Sebastian wrapped his gloved hand around his wrist. "Please," Seb said. "The Master is quite busy and cannot be disturbed. So, let me assist you."

That's right, Arthur and Samson were making cookies together. Why? Simple really neither had anything better to contribute to the case so they decided to be nice.

So, with the help of Sebastian, they made some delicious chocolate chip cookies that were brought up to two masters. Alois couldn't care less who made them or that they were there, all he wanted was YN back, alive and safe. Ciel, who had a sweet tooth, enjoyed them graciously. The warm, mouth-watering flavor made him forget the troubles bestowed upon him.

It was only when his snack would be done, eaten, would he have to go back to imagining YN crying out for help.


"You fucking asshat with a butt infection!" YN screamed. Oh, no. She wasn't going to cry out for help yet. "Don't you put that damn needle near me. Just because I'm in a bind doesn't mean I won't whoop your ass!"

Amelia stood above YN looking like someone from American Psycho with an apron. Though she wasn't smiling, she was frowning. Amelia was disturbed up in the brain, having been through some tough shit. She paced around, mumbling things at herself then full on lashed out on YN who fortunately could tell her to shut up.

Luckily for YN her struggling against her ropes had paid off. They were loose now so it was easy to slip out of them, just waiting for the right moment.

Amelia turned, her hands gripping her brown tousled locks. "This isn't right. This isn't right! You're not supposed to talk like that. It's not right. No, no. You are supposed to be innocent. Too good for any man- But you act like them. They've tainted you! But-but I can save you. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Make you-"

The killer stopped when she noticed YN bolting through the side door. Amelia chuckled, like a predator amusingly playing her prey.

YN didn't care that her legs felt like fresh pudding, she had to run. Far enough from the sociopath. She could go back to Ciel and tell him who was doing the killings then she could- Those dreams when out the window when YN tripped over something.

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