That's My Fucking Fiancee!

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  Last Time

Ciel finally spoke, "Tomorrow, Alois, Claude, Sebastian and I will go out and finally put an end to all of this. We will find YN. Dead or alive."  


YN groaned, the pounding in her head like several knocks of a hammer. Opening her eyes was like not opening them at all. The once dim lit room was now pitch black. She had already called out for someone plenty of times but there was no answer. If YN was honest, she would say that it was kind of scary. 

A pitch black room where a dead girl was placed and where a living girl was going to get murdered. She let out one last sigh before going into her own little soliloquy. 

"I don't care who hears me because I just gotta say, this fucking sucks. I'm a nice person, so why am I here? Why can't it be Ciel or Alois? Those guys are little shits- Don't get me wrong, I am, too but, hey, I make up for it. 

"This bitch has me tied and I was nice to her! I swear once I get out of these things- Oo, I'mma beat a bitch. It's gonna go down like Batman Vs. the fucking Joker. Yeah."

After a longing silence for an answer, YN made one last comment before staying silent. 

"Please find me, guys."


The sky was transitioning from night to day, in the horizon there still laid a little bit of sun drizzling over the Earth. The candy shop, Sweets for My Sweet, was closing up with Miss Amelia locking the front door. From a reasonable distance, stood two masters and two butlers watching. 

Ciel peeked around the corner, seeing Amelia look around her before walking off. He signaled the others to follow and they did so. It was a while as they followed the teen, going through many twists and turns, them finding out where YN could be. 

"This is boring," Alois whispered loudly between the two bodies of the Phantomhive estate. 

The bluenette rolled his eye, "Then turn around and go back to the townhouse. We can do this perfectly fine without you two."

Sebastian then slyly stated, "I second that notion."

Alois stomped on Ciel's foot, making him stop and push the blonde before continuing. When they looked back they noticed Amelia was turning down the same road toward her candy shop. 

"Say, where the bloody hell is she going?" The Trancy master spoke. "She's going back to her shop."

Sebastian then stated, "She most likely heard us speaking."

Ciel then said a bit too loudly, "Then let's go. It's no use now-"

"Ciel what are you-"

"Let's all go," Lord Phantomhive narrowed his eyes at the blonde. They retreated on their original task and headed back toward home. 

Once they left, Amelia turned around in a full circle, making sure no one was around. There wasn't. The streets were just as empty as they were before, people at home most likely eating dinner at this hour. She went back on her original route, to where a murder would be held tonight. 


"I hate this!" 

Amelia entered the room with an oil lamp, setting it down next to YN who was still complaining. She pressed her ropes, rubbing against them so much that her wrists were bleeding. H/c locks were now sticking to YN's face like glue and her e/c eyes looked tired from the lack of any sleep she had gotten in days. 

Though, Amelia soothingly put a hand on her shoulder, making the fifteen-year-old cease any more actions. "Sh, it will all be over soon. You'll be free where no one can hurt you."

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