Dongs In Thongs

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"If you won't go after this woman, Phantomhive, I think I'll have to myself."


YN groaned and cracked her eyes open to see a beige colored ceiling above her dimly lit. Letting out another sigh of displeasure she sat up and rubbed her head, looking around the room. That's when it hit YN that she wasn't in her room. There was an oil lamp lit on the nightstand illuminating the bare qualities of the space. Nothing but a dresser and a desk sat in it- As said, bare. 

"What the...." YN said and swung her feet off the edge of the bed. She didn't remember coming into this space nor did she remember putting on her white nightgown. 

Just like a ghost, Sebastian silently walked into the room. He looked different, though. YN noted that he wasn't wearing his coat or his usual white gloves, in a sense, she thought he looked more relaxed. 

When his red eyes met her groggy e/c ones he stopped to give her a smile, "I see you've awakened. You did seem quite comfortable in my bed."

"I what?" YN almost screamed. "What did you do to me? I was a virgin!"

Sebastian chuckled and waved his hand at her, "No, no, Miss. As amusing as that is, you simply didn't want to sleep in your bed. So, once you changed into your nightgown, you insisted on sleeping here while I attended to my duties."

Hesitantly nodding, she gave him a suspicious glare before hopping to her feet. Starting toward the door YN stopped and asked, "What time is it?"

"Midnight. You've slept all day, I suggest you get some sleep now so you don't disturb your sleeping schedule," Sebastian said acting all mother-like then held out his arm. "Here, I'll escort you back to your room."

Taking the girl's arm and linking it with his, Sebastian escorted her upstairs to her shared room with Alois. YN leaned against him the whole way, not fully awake just yet but the light coming from a certain Earl's office made her mind jump to the excitement. Breaking their link, YN ran to the study door, ignoring Sebastian's protest. 

Walking into the office with a smile, YN stopped short when she saw the once person no expected to in the Phantomhive townhouse; Doyle Washington. The gasp that left the girl's perfect lips made the Ciel and Doyle look back at her. Her back was against the wall next to the door as her eyes widened like Doyle's when they saw each other. 

"My God, you're alive-" Sir Washington began but was cut off. 

"YN-" Ciel started but YN didn't bother to hear any more as she darted out the door.

Running to her room, she dived underneath the plush blankets to hide from the world. Oddly enough, Alois wasn't in his bed asleep. Instead, it had been like he got up and left the whole house entirely. 

Just then, there was a quiet knock at the door then the click of the knob indicating that someone was now in her room. YN sucked in a breath and squeezed her eyes shut, contemplating a plan on how to kick Doyle's ass. 

"YN," It was Sebastian's voice. For the first time, he actually called her by her name without 'Miss' in front of it. "You can come out now. Sir Washington won't hurt you, I promise."

The said young lady poked her head out from the covers and locked eyes with the man. A smile crept along his face and he turned to a cart. Wait, the girl thought, when did that get in here?

"Young Master just wishes to speak to him, most likely to threaten his life," Sebastian said as he poured something into a cup. "Then again, I'm sure you can do that yourself."

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