Chapter 2

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*Outfit for drinks^^*

It's our first promotional giveaway of the season and it's a Don Mattingly Bobblehead and I have to admit, it looks pretty cool. We go on our first road trip of the season on Sunday and of course, it's on the other side of the country. 

I'm the one that isn't good with jet lag and I get very clingy when I'm tired and I don't have a boy to do that with, so it's not going to be fun. 

"Hey little G!" The big G said coming into my office. "Giancarlo, what are you doing up here?" I asked with a laugh when he sat down at my desk. "Just wanted to come say hi and see what you're up to." He said, but he was hiding something else. 

"You know, you could just tell me the truth instead of lying to me." I said with a smirk on my face. He sighed in defeat. "Alright fine, I was wondering if you'd come out for drinks with us after the game." He said. 

"Who is going?" I asked getting my phone out of my purse. "Christian, myself, Dee, AJ and Martin." He said and my heart skipped a beat when he said Christian. Sure we haven't talked that much but I still think he's very attractive. 

"Sure, sounds like fun." I said with a smile on my face. Just then the other boys burst into my office. "Jesus Christ." Dee said getting up and rubbing his arm. "Were you four just pressed up against my door listening to our conversation?" I asked, amused at the sight in front of me. 

They all nodded and I laughed. "So they sent you in to do the dirty work so they could listen?" I asked G and he nodded. "They all find you attractive so they were nervous." Now that earned Giancarlo a few slaps. 

"Excuse you, now do not hurt one of the faces of this organization, or I'll rethink my decision for drinks tonight." I said shooing them all out of my office. "We're sorry little G, see you later!" I shook my head. "See you later?" Katie said coming up next to me as I stood in my doorway. 

"Yeah they asked me out for drinks later, can you go to my house and get me some clothes?" I asked and she nodded and went off. I went back into my office and answered emails from magazines and the sports channels and one of them was that I was dating Christian. 

I just started this job and they're already assuming things? I put an end to that rumor quickly and turned around to look at the field from my office. I took a picture and put in on Instagram. 

"GiannaHammer: Daily views from work, doesn't get any better than this!"

"Gianna?" I hear and I turned around to see Christian standing in the doorway and my smile got bigger, not that I thought it could but it did. "Hey, come on in." I said motioning to the seat in front of me and he sat down. 

"What's on your mind?" I asked, it seemed like something was up with him, he never looked this sad. "I'm sorry for doing what we did earlier." Aw, this was cute. "Yel, it's no big deal. I get I'm a good looking girl, but you guys don't have to be shy around me. I am your boss too." I said and he smiled. 

"I know and I think that's what makes us so shy and intimidated, it's because you are our boss and you could trade us off or fire us at the snap of a finger." He said. I felt bad that they all felt like that. 

"Yel, all of you deserve to be in this organization. Hell, you and Giancarlo are the face of this organization and you're not going anywhere if I'm the owner. I can promise you that." I said grabbing his hand from across the desk. 

There weren't sparks like I thought there would be, but I know that there will be because he is attractive and my type. He smiled and sighed. "Thank you for that, it means a lot to know that we have an owner that has all of our backs no matter what." He said. 

"I'm just that type of person, I guess. You have BP to get to, so go do your job before I do actually send you off." I said sticking my tongue out at him and he laughed. "Yes boss, see you later?" I nodded. "Most definitely." I said and he walked out. 

"Well your office is just full of guys today huh?" Katie said coming in with a bag of stuff. "Yeah, they all think I'm attractive." I said as she set the bag down on my desk. "Well I mean they aren't wrong." She said with a laugh and I just nodded. 

The game finally started and we won 8-4 with a couple of Giancarlo home runs that got out of here like a rocket. I couldn't believe the strength of that guy, it's amazing to see how far he can hit a 90+mph fastball. 

I went into the bathroom and changed and started doing my makeup. "LITTLE G WHERE YOU AT?" I heard Dee's voice throughout the halls. I got all my things together and looked myself over, yeah I'm going to be conceited and call myself hot. 

I walked out of the bathroom and they were walking away from me. "Hey boys over here." I said which made their heads turn and their jaws just dropped when they saw what I was wearing. "Guys, close your mouths." I said walking over to them. "Sorry, they can't help it." Giancarlo said talking for them since they were sill looking over my body. 

"I can see that. Well let's go!" I said waving in front of the boys faces and they snapped out of the trance that I had put on them. "Sorry boss!" They all said as they walked behind us. "Tonight, I am not your boss. I'm just Gianna." I said with a smile and they nodded and I walked with Giancarlo. 

"You know, you are a little bit of a distraction for us." He said and I looked at him. "How so?" I said looking back at the others who were conversing to themselves so we couldn't hear. "They don't stop talking about you, any of them. Christian talks about you the most though. He's a good kid, you would keep him grounded and he would make you whole. He's a hopeless romantic. Then there's Dee. He would keep you on your toes 27/7. You would complete his goofiness that he already has. Martin, he's not as interested in you so you don't have to worry about him. AJ just wants to have sex with you since you're so hot ,and me, well, you would just make me look better than I already am." 

I laughed when he said that about himself. "I need a guy who will be there for me 24/7, even if I call him at 2 in the morning with a nightmare or I'm sick and I can't sleep. I need a man, not a little boy who's going to fight with me every chance they get, I need a man who will sit down with me and talk it out. That's what I need."

"Then go for me or Christian, Dee likes his sleep and you've seen how he acts." He basically threw Dee under the bus with that one. "I know, but I'm your boss and it's weird and well, we'll see how it goes." 

Was I about to make a decision that I'll regret since I'm working with them, or will I be happy with it?

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