Chapter 6

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*Outfit of the day^^*

We were in New York and ever since we got here, all the tabloids have been talking about is Christian and I and our relationship. We aren't even in a relationship, so they have nothing to go off of. They've been saying hurtful stuff about me and I couldn't take it anymore. 

This is the last day we are in New York and I have no choice but to go to the game tonight since we're leaving right after. I haven't left this room since we got here and I really didn't want to today either. 

"Come on little G, you have to come out sooner or later and we would like it sooner rather than later." I heard from outside my door as I knew there were about three guys standing outside who have been worried about me the past two days. 

I sighed and got myself together and opened the door. "Well I'm just glad you're alive." Giancarlo said pushing past me and going into my room. I let the other two guys, Christian and Dee, into my room as well. 

"Why have you been cooped up in here?" Christian asked. I haven't even talked to him since we've gotten here either and I know I've hurt him by doing that, but I need some me time and I for sure got that. 

"Because I couldn't go out there knowing what they've said about me. I may seem so strong on the outside, but I take what they say to heart and what they've been saying about me hasn't been nice and it hurt." I said, I knew I couldn't cry in front of them, so I had to try my best not to. 

"But you know we're all here for you if you ever need to talk right?" Giancarlo said getting up and giving me a hug. "Nobody can feel how I felt after they called me those names, no one can console me." I said. 

"What did they even say?" Dee asked. "Said I was a gold digger, a whore who has made her way around the team, an alcoholic and I'm damaged goods apparently." I said and I knew saying that stuff out loud was going to make me cry and sure enough, it did. 

Since G was still standing next to me, he brought me into a hug. "You're none of those things. You're smart and beautiful and you sure as hell haven't made your way around the team. You're not damaged goods and you sure as hell aren't an alcoholic because I've never seen you get drunk." He said rubbing my back as I continued to cry. 

"Let me take her." I heard Christian's voice as G unlatched himself from me and the familiar scent came through my nose as he wrapped his arms around my small frame. "You are not damaged goods babe, just remember all you've overcame." He whispered in my ear as I hadn't told the other guys what happened to me. 

"Thank you guys, I don't know what I'd do without you. But can Christian and I be alone please?" I asked looking at Dee and Giancarlo and they nodded and both gave me hugs before leaving the room. 

"You know I'm damaged goods, so why do you stay? I'm shocked you don't believe what they're saying." I said pacing the room. He sighed and stopped me in my tracks. "I don't believe it because I know the real you. They don't know the real you, you're perfect to me and you can't believe you're damaged goods now do you? You were raped, you haven't whored your way around the team so you're not." 

He actually calmed me down with his words that I didn't think he was going to do. "You're right Christian. I don't know what I would do without you." I said giving him the biggest hug I possibly could since I'm like 5'2 and he's like 6'3. 

"You'd be dead somewhere or still in this bed if it wasn't for me. I wouldn't trade being here with you for the world right now." He said he leaned down and kissed me. "I haven't kissed you in three days and it feels so good to do it again." I said and he laughed. 

"I could say the same thing baby girl." He said. "We should get going." I said detaching myself from him and grabbing my things so we could head down to the lobby and head to the park. "Yeah but you know I'd much rather stay here with you." He said grabbing my hips and pulling me back to him. 

"Yeah but I'll look like a bad boss if I don't get you there on time and then I'll have to reprimand you." I said and he laughed and kissed my neck. "But you look too good and I'm sure I wouldn't mind being reprimanded by you baby." He said and I groaned. 

"As much as I would like to take you up on that offer baby, but you know how I am and how I want to wait, so sorry." I said wrapping my hands around his neck. "Doesn't mean you can't do other things." He said kissing me and I pulled away before it got too heated. 

"Not today Christian, because we have a game to go to!" I said pulling away and leaving the room as he chased after me. I ran into the elevator and tried to close the doors but he was too quick. "Can't get rid of me that easily." He said as he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me. 

We had to break apart once the doors opened so we didn't get caught. "Well it's about time you two got down here!" Justin said as we came into view of the guys. "Oh shut it, we were having a moment." I said sticking my tongue out at him. 

"What, a sexual moment?" Martin shouted out. "No not that. I'm saving myself for the right guy." I said with a smile at the guys and then just walking out of the hotel not wanting to talk about it anymore. 

I put my bags underneath the bus and got on as the guys were filing out of the hotel. Christian came on first and sat next to me. "You can't let them get to you like that." He said grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb across it. 

"Not letting it get to me, I just didn't want to talk about it anymore. It's not something that needs to be discussed with the whole team." I said kissing his cheek. "Alright, as long as you're okay, that's all I care about." 

"And when I'm with you, I'm more than okay babe." 

Author's Note: Early update this morning! That's because I'm off to Disney World until Thursday and then I'm going to Atlanta to see the Braves play the Marlins, here's to a good vacation and hoping I get to meet the love of my life! I have plenty of updates for when I'm gone, so look out! Xoxo Kristen

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