Chapter 9

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*Outfit of the day^^*

I love off days, especially when I can just lay in bed all day and do nothing. But this again, was not one of those off days. This is our last off day before we finish out the home stand and go on the road before the all star break.

I'm so happy that it was here and I didn't have to travel anywhere and it made the organization a lot of money, and that made me more money and my parents will be at the game as well. I had to do some work, which means going to press conferences and doing interviews with FOX and what not.

Which means I had to dress nice, which I don't like to do often. "Hey babe, wait who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" Christian asked as he walked into my room. He does this often, takes my spare key and comes in when he wants.

I laughed as I put down my lipstick. "Well the organization took me for the day to do interviews and press conferences all day." I said and I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up to give him a kiss.

"Damn, that ruins my plans for the off day." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Why what did you have in mind?" I asked. "Well I wanted to go to the beach with you today and then dinner." He said.

"We can still do dinner." I said with a smile. "Can you wear that?" He asked and I laughed. "I can babe if you would like." I said and he smiled and kissed me again. "I would like that, can I stay here until you get back?" He asked.

"Of course you can, my house is your house since you barge in here anyway." I said with a laugh. "You've gotta get going babe, so I'll see you when you get home?" He asked and I nodded as I grabbed my purse and my phone.

I said my goodbyes to him as I went out to my car and went over to the stadium to do everything. "Today we have Gianna Hammer, owner of the Miami Marlins here with us, how are you?" Jessica asked ask we started the interviews.

"I'm pretty good, how about you?" I asked. "I'm good, so getting right into it, what's it like to be so young and be the owner of such a big organization?" She asked. "It's a little bit overwhelming at times, but I love it. I love being able to do what I want with the team and the organization and it's a great thing for me."

"How are the guys? I know they can be a handful sometimes and I know you're going on the road trips with them, what's that like?" "It's pretty amazing. Before I got this job from my parents, I had never been out of Florida and now that I have, it's pretty eye opening to see what I've missed in my life. As for the guys, they're the sweetest bunch of guys you'll ever meet. They're hilarious too and it's never a dull moment with them." I said with a laugh.

"So rumors have it you're dating Christian Yelich, care to explain?" She asked and I smiled when she mentioned Christians name. "I am yeah. He's such a great guy and I'm very lucky to have him in my life." I said and she left it at that as we went on with the interview.

I went through all the press conferences and more interviews than I've ever wanted to do. "BABE I'M HOME!" I yelled throughout the house. "IN YOUR ROOM!" I heard him yell and I dropped my bag and took off my heels and went upstairs and he was laying on my bed.

"I saw you talk about me today." He said with a smile. "I hope you don't mind, she asked and it's hard not to talk about you when I'm so lucky to have you." I said laying on the bed next to him and he wasted no time in pulling me into him.

"I know and I'm not mad, I just love hearing you talk about me. Are you ready to go out to dinner?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm literally starving. I haven't eaten anything all day." I said as I got up to go get sandals.

"Aw I wanted you to wear your heels." He said with a pout as he saw me with my sandals on. "Sorry babe, you try wearing heels for a day, it's not fun on your feet." I said with a laugh as we went out to his truck.

We went out to dinner and it was amazing, per usual. The restaurants in Miami are the best things ever and they have amazing food. But I think tonights the night where I let Christian finally have his way with me.

I've been thinking about it ever since Dee and I had that talk and it really seems like the right time do things, granted we should wait a little longer since we've only been in a relationship just shy of two months, but he's waited this long, I can't make him wait any longer.

"Babe?" I asked as he was about to leave and he turned around and looked at me. "You good babe?" He said coming over to me. "I want you." I said barely above a whisper. "What?" He said tilting my chin up to look at him.

"I want you." I said louder this time. "You want me? Oh, oh! Baby are you sure?" He asked rubbing my cheek. "100% sure, it's time. I'm ready." I said as I stood up on my tippy toes to kiss him. He deepened the kiss and lifted me up and brought me to my bedroom.

"Babe, I want to be 100% sure that you're ready for this." He said as he was putting the condom on. "Babe, I'm ready. You're the one person that I want to do this with." I said and he smiled and hovered over me one last time before he pushed himself into me.

It hurt like I knew it would, but after all the pain subsided, it was all pleasure. "Am I hurting you babe?" He said as he slowed his pace down. "Not at all, this is all pleasure now." I said as I kissed him and he kept going and I knew this was the right decision.

We both rode out our highs at the same time and it was the best thing ever. "Good first time?" He asked as he crawled back into bed with me and I kissed him. "Best first time." I said with a smile.

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