Chapter 23

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Now that the offseason is over, baseball is back in full swing and so are the wedding preparations. Going to be getting married to my best friend is one of the most amazing feelings that anyone could ever have. 

We're back in Miami opening the season against the Cubs and it felt bittersweet not to be up in the office watching the game but instead in the stands with Jackson. "So how does it feel?" Christian asked as he was spending a few minutes with us before the game. 

"Very weird, I'm used to sitting up in the office during the games, not down here with all the fans." I said and he laughed. "You'll get used to it, I'm sure this little guy will love watching his daddy play." He said looking down at Jackson. 

"I know he will, he's going to watch and learn some tips and tricks from you and be just like you." I said and he smiled and leaned over the wall and kissed me. "Ready for your first full season as a WAG?" He asked and I smiled. 

"Of course, I'm ready to travel with you too, this time our little man gets to come with." I said. "Alright, take my baby, I gotta go get ready. I love you." He said handing me back Jackson and then kissing me. 

"I love you too babe, go kick some butt for us today." I said before he walked off and I walked up to the WAGS section to sit in my new rightful spot cheering on my fiancé with everyone else. "So what's it like?" One of the wives asked me. 

"Different, I've talked about it a lot today and it's awesome to be up in the stands for once. I'm sure Jackson will enjoy it." I said as I bounced him up and down on my knee. "Well we're all glad to have you here now." She said and I smiled and thanked her. 

The opening ceremonies went on and they even said their thank you's to me, I wish I could be on the field, but I'd rather be up in the stands with Jackson anyway. Christian smiled at the both of us and waved when he was on the on deck circle waiting to bat. 

Just like I knew he would, his first at bat back, he hits a home run. Jackson and I cheered for him as he rounded the bases. "See Jackson, take your daddy's tips and hit home runs like him one day." I said and the other wives laughed.

"So when are you guys getting married?" Dee's girlfriend, Maya asked me as she was now sitting next to me. "This offseason. I've already planned most of it out and I just need to get my dress and everything. It's crazy." I said as Jackson was now asleep in my arms, I don't know how but he is. 

"If you ever need help, call me! I know you're not really close to any of the others since you haven't been down here a lot but I know Dee and Christian are close so I guess we should get to know each other too." She said and I smiled. 

"I really would like that. Now that I'm not hanging out with the guys all the time I need someone besides Jackson to hang out with." I said and she laughed. "Of course! I mean who wouldn't want to spend time with that cute face though." She said. 

"He looks just like his daddy and is going to have all the girls over him when he gets older. I'm just glad he's not a girl because Christian would be so more overprotective." I said. "Do you think you guys will have more kids?" She asked. 

"No doubt. We're probably going to wait until after we get married to try again. We're just enjoying life with Jackson this first year. We've talked about it already since he's so good to us." I said. 

"I mean I get that. Being a WAG with a newborn is hard, especially when you're traveling with the guys." She said. "Yeah, we'll see how everything goes with traveling. He did well with Spring Training, but going all across the country is a different story." I said. 

"Are you guys doing anything special after the game?" She asked as we were now going into the top of the ninth with the lead looking to close it out. "Nope, just going home, putting little man and enjoying some adult time. No, not that kind of adult time. Just drinking some wine and alone time without Jackson." I said and she laughed. 

"Oh girl I would kill to be in your position. Dee just likes to go out and party." She said. "Just tell him you don't want to and that you want a night in with him, I'm sure he'll understand." I said to her and she sighed. 

"I mean I've tried and he just tries to get me to go out with him and I end up just giving in because I can't say no to him." She said. "You gotta get out of that habit though. You can't always give in, I learned that with Christian, be your own woman and get what you deserve and want." I said and she smiled. 

"Where did you learn to give advice?" She asked and I shrugged. "It's just all from experience." I said as we were now walking down to the family room to meet up with the guys. "Thank you for everything today." Maya said as she was about to leave with Dee. 

"No problem, you have my number text me when you need something." I said and she smiled and gave me a hug before leaving. "Ready to go?" Christian asked walking up to Jackson and I and I smiled. 

"Very, ready to put this little guy down and open a bottle of wine." I said and he smiled and kissed me. "Sounds amazing to me my love." 

A/N: Shitty chapter I know, but I needed to get something out to you guys!

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