Chapter 17

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The DWTS Season went by so fast and we ended up coming in third, I'm damn well proud of how I did on the show with having no dance experience whatsoever. The boys ended their postseason run right before the World Series losing in the NLCS to the the Nationals.

They weren't disappointed, they were just stumped on how they lost when they could've easily won. This offseason we need to work on our bullpen and some prospects. I know we can go all the way next season, if we did it this year, we can do it again.

I am currently home in Miami for the holidays and then I'm flying out to California to be with Christian and go on vacation with him and his family. "Sweetie, we need to talk." My mom said as I walked into their house for Thanksgiving dinner.

"What about mom?" I asked as I sat next to her on the couch. "Your father and I have made a decision about you and the Marlins." She said and I started to get nervous. "We've decided to give you full profits of the Marlins and fully hand the organization over to you." She said with a smile on her face.

"Are you serious?" I asked in complete shock. "Yes, you're father and I have been talking about it for quite some time and we've talked to several employees and they really like you over there." She said and I smiled, I guess it was time to drop the bomb on her that Christian has known for a month now.

"But you might have to take over soon for a little bit." I said and she cocked her head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean by that sweetie?" She asked taking a sip of her water, bad timing for that one mom.

"Well Christian and I talked long and hard about this, we trying to have a baby. Well not trying, we are having a baby. Mom, I'm pregnant." I said and she choked on her water. "Sweetie, are you alright? Why are you choking?" Dad asked running into the living room.

"Why don't you tell your father why I'm choking." My mom said trying to catch her breath. "I'm pregnant dad." I said and his eyes went wide. "Are you serious?" He said as he got tears in his eyes. "Yeah dad, I'm serious." I said trying not to cry as well.

"Sweetie, I'm so excited, we can't wait to be grandparents." My mom said as the both of them hugged me. "You have told Christian right?" My mom asked and I let out a laugh. "Yes mom, we've known for about a month now." I said.

"And you've waited this long to tell us?!" She gasped. "Well I was kind of busy with the show and he was busy with playing baseball, so things have finally calmed down and it was the right time to tell you." I said and she shrugged her shoulders.

"At least we didn't find out from social media, when are you telling everyone?" My dad asked. "When we go on vacation, we're going to announce it in Hawaii." I said. "When are you due?" Mom asked as we migrated into the kitchen to eat dinner.

"Beginning of July, hopefully around the all-star break so he could spend some time at home." I said help setting the table. "That would be good, would you take the rest of the season off, or would you come back for the end?" She asked.

"I mean it all depends on how the baby is really. If he or she is fussy, I'll stay home longer, if he or she is an angel baby, I'll take them to work with me after like a month, or when I'm ready." I said and she sighed.

"I can't believe how grown up you are mija." She said as she hugged me again. "I know mom, it's crazy." I said and dad started placing the food on the table for the three of us to dig in to. I led us in grace and then we dug in. I was eating for two, so I had a lot of food to eat.

"Are you starting to show already, or do you just have a food baby?" My mom asked and I laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's just a food baby because I'm not having twins." I said as I helped her cleaned up.

My phone started ringing and excused myself outside to answer it. "Hello?" I asked ask I sat down on one of the chairs. "Happy Thanksgiving baby." I heard Christian's voice on the other end and it made me smile.

"Same to you, how's your day?" I asked. "Good, I told my mom and she's ecstatic about having her first grandchild. Did you tell yours?" He asked and I laughed. "Yeah I did, I made my mom choke on water though." I said and he laughed.

"God I miss you." He said and I sighed. "I miss you too, but you'll see me soon and then we'll be on a tropical island for a week, just you and I." I said. "Yeah but we can't have sex and you can't drink, that's no fun." He said and I laughed.

"Who said we couldn't have sex? I mean what's the harm, I can't get pregnant again so we can definitely still have sex." I said and I could practically feel his smile through the phone. "Good, I can't wait to tell everyone we're having a baby. I hope it's a boy." He said.

"I hope it's a girl, but if it's a boy I'll be happy too as long as he looks like you. He'll get all the girls then." I said. "If our daughter looks as good as you, we'll be in big trouble." He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Already protective?" I asked. "Of course, I don't want her having her heart broken." He said. "Alright babe, I gotta go, it's time for dessert, I'll see you soon. I love you Christian." I said.

"I love you too Gianna, so much."

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