Perfect Storm: 08

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Camilla groaned out loud, throwing her arm over her eyes as the pounding continued in her head. She could feel the remnants of last night taunting her with each moment she remained awake but she was so comfortable in the soft sheets that engulfed her body that she couldn't find it in herself to move nor fall asleep once again.

Unfortunately for Camilla, once she was awake, she couldn't fall asleep again.

Her eyes remained sealed as she measured the seconds between each thump. She wasn't sure how long she remained like that, but she knew soon enough that she couldn't stay there forever. With much effort, she opened her eyes and pushed herself up. At first she blinked as she adjusted to the light basking the room; one she did not recognise at first. If it wasn't for the bright yellow walls, something that only Tiana would willingly allow to coat them, she would have been at a loss.

"I cannot deal with this much light so early," she muttered to herself, swinging her legs over the edge and standing up. For a second she wavered, but managed to stand upright. It didn't help that the bright walls that covered the room seemed to accentuate the brightness that left her blinking every few seconds.

Although she hadn't been in Tiana's flat for a very long time, she felt right at home as soon as she left the bedroom. Rushing to the kitchen, she scoured the cupboards for some paracetamol which proved to be more difficult than expected when it was cramped with junk. Stored at the very back of the medicine cupboard were two packs of unopened condoms that Camilla stared at for a moment - why did she have condoms in her kitchen?

Realisation dawned, she glanced at the counter tops and cringed.

It took a good few minutes until she found the paracetamol. She popped two tablets out and swallowed them down with some water. Just as she was washing the glass she'd used, a scream rung out and she jumped, almost dropping the glass in her hand. Turning around, she glared at the culprit whilst her headache skyrocketed. Tiana looked almost sheepish as she seemed to recognise Camilla and drop the broom in her grasp.

"Are you crazy?" Camilla whispered.

Tiana laughed and simultaneously groaned at the exact time. "I thought you went home so when I heard something in the kitchen, my first instinct was to grab a weapon," She shrugged and pushed her weapon of choice away, reaching into the cupboard for the tablets that Camilla had put away. If she saw the condoms, she didn't mention them.

But Camilla's headache was pounding again now after that, "And the scream?"

Tiana shrugged and replied once the pills had been downed, ironically just like the vodka they'd drowned in last night. "For effect?"

* * *

After they'd both had a shower, they decided to head to a local café for a greasy breakfast. It was a ritual they had whenever they had a night out, they'd grab a large cup of coffee and moan into their sleeves as they consumed eggs, toast, beans, tomatoes and of course, bacon.

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