Perfect Storm: 16

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"Are you sure?" Storm asked, for the fifth time.

His brows were drawn in together, almost confused as he looked at the paint colour that she had chosen. Camilla was almost sure that he was trying to convince her out of the colour that she wanted, without actually outright telling her his opinion. Not that she could really blame him for that.

Camilla laughed, but nodded. "I want everything to be bright," It was true. She needed change and it was scientifically proven that bright colours helped with the improvement of mood and the mind. That was exactly what she figured she needed right now. "You know that bright colours have been proven to improve memory."

Storm eyed the can of yellow paint again, glancing at the sample that was brushed against a plain slate. It was bright, she couldn't deny that, but she loved the contrast. Perhaps Tiana was brushing off on her she thought. "There's bright," Storm said with a chuckle. "And then there's bright. I'm pretty sure it'll cause a blackout, not improve anything."

Camilla couldn't help but snicker at the thought. "Your sarcasm isnt appreciated Storm." She then brushed past him and scoured through the aimless list of colours. Perhaps yellow was a little too daring – but she was still adamant on painting the walls.

Their trip hadn't been planned at all, particularly since Camilla had only seen him twice in the last two weeks since their schedules were so conflicting. But then he'd text her, every night and she found herself asking him to join her on her trip to B&Q. Since it was a Saturday, she had been almost certain that he would decline – mainly since all of their matches were on the weekend – but he hadn't. Storm had jumped at the chance and offered to help her start painting. And Camilla couldn't deny the relief that had rushed through her after that.

She felt Storm stand beside her, with his hand teasingly brushing her lower back and she shivered. He ignited some kind of reaction in her – whether it was lust or something else entirely she couldn't be sure of. But they had spoken every day since and they hadn't had sex. Which was unusual for Camilla.

Sexual deprivation – that must have been it.

"This looks good," she said and pointed towards a dark nude. It wasn't exactly the bright colour she had been anticipating, but it was a beautiful colour and she could imagine living in an area coated in it. The clogs began to whirl in her mind almost immediately; brown and cream furniture to match.

Storm nodded beside her and leaned in closer to look. His aftershave engulfed her nose and unconsciously she cupped his cheeks and turned him away so he was in her line of vision completely. "Thank you for coming," she flushed as his lips curved. His smile had a way of causing her heart to pound in her chest. Frequently.

His hard features were glossed by the sunlight, with his dark hair almost scruffy on his head. And his dark eyes were packing a lot of heat; a mountains worth. Camilla almost wished that she could read minds because his would tell a story.

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