Perfect Storm: 33

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The very next morning Camilla awoke to Storm pressing soft kisses on her bare shoulder. Without opening her eyes, she smiled and reached out, her fingers brushing against his soft beard that kept touching her skin. "Morning," she murmured, eyes still closed.

"Good morning to you too," he replied, voice starkly dark – which she'd come to realise was how he sounded when he woke up. "Open up those beautiful eyes then."

She felt her lips raise, but groaned as she opened them, blinking at the image beside her. His large arms were perched against his pillow, with the other on her arm, brushing back and forth. She mimicked his positioning and faced him, neither of them saying a word.

Storm's hair was messy in the morning, beyond messy actually, but with it all over the place, he somehow looked ridiculously attractive. His eyes were always so dark, like you were staring into a black hole that sucked you right in but in the mornings they were just a notch lighter which explained why she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his cheek abruptly.

"So," she finally drawled, rubbing the mist out of her eye. "Yesterday."

Storm raised a brow, "A lot of things happened yesterday so you are going to have to specify one thing in particular," He reached out, with his arm around her hip and pulled her closer to him as he spoke. "Unless you're talking about the night we had together?"

He said the last statement with a devilish grin that had her laughing.

"No actually," she retorted and noticed as she moved her legs that he was completely naked under the sheets. As was she, which was mildly distracting. "I meant with your mum. You know, the whole conversation. Was that you introducing me to her then?"

She could tell the mention of his mother still had an impact on him, since his expression hardened just a little. Storm most likely didn't even realise he did it, but it came from a place in him that was still suffering the burden of his childhood and the neglect that came with it. Alongside growing up with a mother who was in prison for the attempted murder of his father was a lot to live by. But the fact that he had spoken to her on the phone, the fact that he had vaguely introduced Camilla as the woman in his life – well, that explained a lot. It suggested that regardless, Storm still needed his mother in his life. She still meant something to him.

He sighed softly and nodded, "I suppose so. It just came out, you were there and honestly? I wanted her to know I was with somebody, that I was happy."

Camilla smiled, but didn't mention any of her earlier thoughts. Perhaps with time Storm would realise he didn't hate his mother as much as he thought. Instead, she moved forward and kissed him, despite her own morning breath and rested her hands on his shoulder as she responded. His lips were soft against hers, hard as he pushed further until she was the one straddling him and his bulge was prominent againsr her.

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