Perfect Storm: 12

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Jake was coming to London

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Jake was coming to London.

The thought sent Camilla into a spiral of despair as she worked off her hangover the next morning. She'd cried, then drank her tears in wine until all she could feel was a faint buzz all over her body and this time she made sure to tuck her phone away, to avoid any post drunk horny text messages sent to Storm.

She hadn't cried in a very long time so the flood of tears that had built up over time had escaped, rendering her useless against its force. However, talking to Jake had brought up a lot of repressed memories, those of which she had kept hidden for so long that she simply didn't want them to be exposed to anybody else. Jake threatened that motive and the selfish part of her hoped he wouldn't ever get the opportunity to.

Camilla hadn't ever been in love with Jake, which was why her family didn't know he existed - and she was thankful she hadn't told them with the way that things had ended between them. It had been messy and everything she feared in a relationship.

But now all of that was threatened because if Jake did end up coming here, she had no doubt that he would be the one to inform her parents of what she did. As loving as her family was, she could already predict their opinions on the matter and since it was done, she didn't want to hear what they thought.

When her phone began to ring, she reached over her bed and scouted under her bedsheets until she managed to find it. This time she looked at the caller ID before answering; it was Craig, ironically. She considered declining the call but it wasn't fair, not after what she had put him and her parents through in New York. So she took a moment to compose herself before she answered, "Hey,"

"'Ello," Craig said through the phone. "Can you come over this afternoon? We wanted to talk to everybody about something."

His tone held something she couldn't interpret and her mind immediately drove to the worse case scenarios. "Is Rosa okay?" She asked in a panic. Camilla knew that Rosa was ill but she hoped that it hadn't progressed since they had last spoken. After all, it was only meant to be a virus of some sort.

Craig scoffed down the phone in distaste, "I'm doing great, thanks for asking. I could be the one dying for all you knew,"

"You're dying?"

"Ha-ha very funny," he retorted once he caught hold of her amusement and she smiled. If anybody could cheer her up, it was her brother – which was one of the reasons why he had been the one to pull her out of her funk in New York. "As funny as you, which you really aren't, Storm's coming and he proposed you both share a cab here. Is that okay?"

If only he knew sharing a cab with Storm was the least of her concerns when she'd had sex with him weeks earlier.

Instead of sharing this intimate detail with her brother, she brushed her hand through her hair and sighed. She couldn't decline his invitation, not even with so much having happened last night but she also needed time to recompose herself completely. When Camilla cried, her emotions were always on a high over the next few days and this was completely the case right now.

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