Perfect Storm: 29

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Camilla was a mess.

She'd started her period over the weekend and unlike the last few months, it appeared to be more painful than normal. She'd woken up to the painful stabbing in her lower abdomen and couldn't find the physical restraint to pull herself out of bed.

However, she'd forced herself out of bed to clean up and then she'd collapsed back in once again. Storm had also been over, he'd been over a lot since her brother walked out of his own living room and taken it upon himself to ignore her. It appeared that Storm felt personally guilty for her brother's reaction. She supposed it was mainly because he'd assumed with the way her brother had always highlighted her, he wouldn't care.

But she'd known. He loved children, her parents loved children and no matter how much they cared for her, their reaction was inevitable.

Camilla hadn't called Craig since, or text him with the way that things had ended. She didn't think that reaching out would help right now, but her parents had demanded Sunday dinners became a thing once again so encountering her brother was almost a terrifying thought right now. She didn't know if he'd told her parents, nor Rosa (who she had text and apologised to) but she didn't have the courage to ask either of them whether they knew.

Thankfully it was the weekend, so she climbed back into bed as Storm watched the game on her television in the living room. She'd bundled up and had a hot water bottle to help relieve the pain of her period. Today she was simply going to lie down in bed and face the doom of tomorrow – being the family dinner- when it came to that.

Despite how painful her period felt, she was thankful it even arrived. After the abortion, it had been very light and for a good month or two, it wasn't regular. Since, it had been much heavier but it was a constant reminder of how things had changed over the last year.

She was almost falling asleep when she heard her bedroom door open, she turned towards the sound and smiled when Storm laid down beside her. "Period, huh?"

Camilla glanced at him and raised a brow. She was a little impressed that he wasn't one of those guys that cringed at the mere mention of a period – or simple strode away for example. "Yep," she said with a sigh and pushed herself up slightly, so that her elbows were rested on the cover between them. "I'm being prodded down there by at least five knives, of four different sizes,"

Storm's expression twisted, probably at the visual image that came along with her description and she laughed softly. He reached over beside him and brought out what appeared to be a chocolate bar. He rubbed at the back of his neck, almost as though he was nervous which was rather endearing. "I figured that might make the pain a little more tolerable."

Camilla had never craved chocolate when she was on her period, unlike most women, but with a smile she took it. "Thanks," she peeled at the wrapper and sniffed it. "Dark chocolate? Really?"

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