Perfect Storm: 24

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Craig was busy tapping at the remote when Camilla arrived

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Craig was busy tapping at the remote when Camilla arrived. Her brother was stretched out on the sofa, for some reason he wore shorts and a T-shirt even though it was less than ten degrees out. "Cammi," he called out once he saw her. A smile graced his lips and eyes similar to hers settled on her, just as he stood up and pulled her into a hug. "Feels like I haven't seen you in forever,"

It had only been a few days since the team returned and they were given a few days off, before training resumed and so did their matches. However, Camilla had been sure that her brother would be preoccupied with his pregnant wife and she'd let them be. But he had called her up the night before to confirm they spend a few hours together after she finished work.

She pulled him closer and squeezed him for a minute, before she let go and collapsed onto the sofa. "We've both been busy," she said with a shrug. "I've been meaning to ask how you are actually – with rugby and being a daddy,"

Her brother blushed slightly at the term, rubbing at his cheeks as though it would magically help the soft red glow go away. "I'm fucking terrified," he admitted, stunning her. He'd always said he wanted children so it was no surprise really that he had been so happy when he and Rosa had shared the news with the family. What she hadn't expected was fear. He glanced at her and must have noticed the confusion on her face, "I just don't feel ready enough for everything, I've bought at least five books on parenting and honestly? I'm so fucking reading them. Did you know if she hasn't gone into labour past her expected date, I'm supposed to have sex with her until she feels the contractions?"

Camilla scrunched her nose up and said, "I don't think that's how it works, Craig,"

Her brother shook his head and walked away. He wasn't one to simply walk away from a conversation so she shrugged off her jacket and waited for him to return. She'd finished work early today and after she spent some time with him, she was going over to Storm's. He'd insisted that they had the date they never had, but if they went out together, he was almost certain they may be discovered. With their wins over the last week, the rugby players were more popular than ever.

Despite their date being at his, she was excited. She couldn't remember the last time she had a date and things were going well with Storm. They'd spoken every day since his return and he'd even slept around hers for a few nights too. She couldn't complain, because there was a never-ending grin on her face at times.

In the midst of her internal ramblings, Craig returned with a stack of books in his arms. He sat beside her and gradually handed her each one. The books were big, which was expected since they held a lot of information, but she was certain he didn't need all of these. The top book was opened to a page that Craig appeared to highlight, "This ones called a survival guide. What the hell does that even mean?"

Camilla couldn't help the laugh that slipped through at his words. "It's just a word, lighten up! And calm down," she stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders, pressing down on the hard muscle. "Rosa needs you so stop panicking about the small things, books aren't going to help you raise a baby. And funnily enough, you aren't going to be prepared until you're doing the practical side of things so just do a little research and be there for your wife, dumb arse."

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