Perfect Storm: 09

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"Do you want to come up?"

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"Do you want to come up?"

Storm didn't respond straight away. He simply stared at her, most likely considering what had changed since a few days ago. Wherein she had tried to avoid him and had practically made him feel uncomfortable with her own reaction to seeing him at a family dinner. If he was reluctant, she didn't blame him.

However, she was surprised when he teased her, "If I'd known that buying you olives would warrant this reaction, I would have bought them for you earlier on."

She laughed but couldn't mask the relief that she felt, "So is that a yes?"

Storm nodded and being the gentlemen that he was, he carried the bag he'd brought with him until they had arrived outside of her flat. Camilla had been to Storm's flat twice, but he'd never been to hers which is why she scrutinised him as she unlocked her door. Considering she was renting a flat in Stratford, a prime hot spot in London, she found it to be quite homely.

Storm didn't live too far from her flat but his was certainly built on a much larger scale. A persons house said a lot about them, it was their private space and the one place they could be themselves completely. Which is why Storm's flummoxed her; his was stark, empty and a complete contradiction to his personality on a whole.

She didn't know Storm, not really, but from what she had seen, he wasn't anything like his flat. Though Camilla couldn't really talk since her flat was still bare with no photographs having been put up. But her excuse was she was deciding on what to do with the place.

Camilla sucked in a breath as she unlocked her front door and stepped in. Storm followed suit and gently closed the door behind her. "I still need to decorate," she explained in an attempt to start a conversation. "I'm thinking of painting the walls but I haven't had time yet."

She took the bag from Storm and placed it on the counter, retrieving two of the many chocolate bars he'd thrown in. "Want one?"

Storm smiled and shook his head. He pulled off his jacket, a hot leather one it appeared, his arms strained against the material from the small movement. "I'm good thanks," He placed his jacket over the crook of her sofa and sat down. She realised that if he was following the same dietary requirements as her brother, he most likely couldn't indulge in countless bars of complete sugar. It also explained how he maintained his physical physique, which was very impressive. She could vouch for that. "If you need help decorating, I'm more than happy to help. I'm pretty good."

As if there was something this man wasn't any good at.

"As if you want to spend your free time painting," She unwrapped one of the chocolate bars and sat beside him on the sofa. It wasn't very big, only being a three seater but with Storm on it, it was a two seater at best. Most weekends were spent with them playing rugby tournaments and the weekdays either training or watching matches from their opponents. She figured the last thing he would want to do after all of that was spend time with her.

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