Perfect Storm: 15

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Camilla was leant against Storm on the sofa, with her head rested against his shoulder as the television blared into the dark room. His thighs were lined against her own, with the hard muscle pressing into her, which happened to be one of the few reasons why she was so distracted. His damn thighs were ridiculously arousing and she could say for certain that she had never had that trouble before – being so distracted by a man that was.

After their agreement to take things slow, Storm had ordered takeout. But even that was healthy – he had ordered a protein packed salad that looked far too aesthetically pleasing to even consume. Much to her amusement, he'd snapped a picture for his Instagram; Camilla didn't even have Instagram. Alongside that, he had been adamant that she chose something on the healthy side too – so pizza was out of the question. Instead, she had picked up a burrito from the same shop.

Still in her work clothes, Camilla couldn't find herself comfortable on the sofa. She shuffled slightly, accidently hitting her knee against the edge. "Storm?" he hummed in response and glanced at her almost immediately. "Do you have a shirt I can borrow? This dress is killing me."

He smiled slowly, with his dark eyes rested on her; envisioning something she was certain she'd like. "That dress is killing me too, but for completely different reasons. But I'll grab you one, it'll be a little big for you," He unwound his arms from her shoulder and left to head to his bedroom.

Camilla had to admit she was impressed as she looked around, he kept his flat far more tidy than she could – especially with his schedule that appeared quite busy. Reaching into her pocket, she shot a text to Rosa. 'Don't tell Craig anything' It probably wasn't the best choice to get Rosa to lie to her husband, but she didn't want to involve anybody else in this. She was a private person, she always had been.

And she was barely coming to terms what this constituted as.

Within just a few minutes, Storm returned with a large white shirt that had patches of blue incorporated into it. She thanked him and went into the bathroom to change, her foundation had lasted throughout the day but her lipstick was smeared slightly from her make-out session with Storm.

Camilla slipped off the black dress and replaced it with the shirt, which could qualify as a loose dress on its own. But that was mainly because of how tall Storm was and toned, it felt nice to wear something that was so comfortable though. She then grabbed a few tissues and dabbed at her foundation, trying to get off as much as possible until her face was relatively clear. Storm didn't appear to be the type to care whether a woman wore makeup and she certainly wasn't going to keep hers on after a long day.

She bundled all of her clothes neatly and left the bathroom, placing them on top of a chair in a corner. Since the kitchen gave a direct view of the living room, Camilla poured herself a glass of water and was relatively surprised when Storm got off the sofa and approached her. "You look awfully comfortable in my kitchen," he teased and then his eyes bore into her choice of clothing. "And my shirt for that matter."

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