Perfect Storm: 14

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Camilla avoided Storm for the rest of the week.

She realised she was struggling with her emotions because the abortion was at the back of her mind now; all the damn time. Of course, she had never forgotten about it, but with the news from Jake and now Rosa, it seemed more prominent. It was like that spider you saw in the corner of the room, as long as it didn't move, it didn't bother you. But when it became clear – it's all you could think about.

Then there was Storm.

Although he hadn't necessarily pushed it in any way, his admission had caught her off guard completely. The fact that he liked her was startling. She hadn't planned on pursuing anything serious but Storm's admission suggested that he probably did. Which explained why she'd asked him for space when they'd began to leave Craig's flat.

A look of pure and utter defeat had crossed his features then, which had left her feeling guilty but she had stood her ground.

Storm wore his heart on his sleeve, that was obvious now but it was something she hadn't allowed herself to notice before. And Camilla didn't want to be the one to break his heart, or his character for that matter.

He had reached for her as they stood outside, his large hand engulfing her own in the cold breeze. "If you need space, I'll give it to you," he said, but his tone deciphered reluctance. "Just ... just let me know that you're okay, that's all I'm asking."

And she had. She messaged him when she got home letting him know she was okay, even if she was lying. The fact was, after her termination, she had repressed all her feelings. After she had seen the blood on the floor and felt the physical terrors of her body battling against her, Camilla had gone into an emotional lock down. She worked all day but she couldn't feel anything - she didn't feel sad, depressed or happy.

Just, nothing.

It got to the point where she barely answered her calls because all she could do was think about what happened. And how could she talk to her family after that? How could she lie to them when they asked her how she was doing? She just knew what they would have said if she told them her darkest secret.

That's when Craig had acted. He had taken a flight out to New York without telling her and pulled her out of her slump. He didn't know what had happened and he most likely assumed she was home sick since she refused to talk about it, but he had fought with her until she realised he was right.

Life was what you made out of it.

Camilla could remain detached in her room for days, months and years but it wouldn't change anything. She had got rid of her baby and there was nothing she could do about it now, not when you couldn't take back something like that.

That's when she started to feel the consequences. Every time her stomach hurt, she would feel her heart race until she realised she hadn't had sex and she wasn't pregnant. After Storm, she'd made sure to take her pills on time and she'd even purchased a pregnancy test.

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