Perfect Storm: 37

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4 months later ...

Storm's mother's funeral was a quiet affair.

He hadn't wanted to invite anybody, mostly because there wasn't really anybody who knew her all too well. She'd been hidden from the public; her deceit having happened before Storm had become a public figure. And somehow, she had managed to diminish that with her death; bringing it all to light.

Despite his wishes, all of Camilla's family had turned up. Including both Craig and Rosa.

Storm had been startled by this, but the way he'd gripped her hand was enough to show what it meant to him.

He'd been quiet during the service and when they all went outside to watch her being lowered to the ground, he'd choked on a sob. Camilla had seen the way his eyes had glassed over, the way he'd trembled beside her and she'd felt beyond useless. Could you stop the pain of losing a parent? She wasn't sure.

His mother's death had hit him hard and for the first few weeks after her funeral, he was a little subdued. It had thrown everything off balance for Camilla because he wasn't the person she was used to and she'd worried the death of both of his parents would break him. But soon enough, he'd slowly started to bounce back.

Which was why almost four months after the funeral, they were at another game. Unlike her brother, Storm had barely taken any days off. Rugby was absolutely everything to him and it made him happy - if there was anything that would help with his grief, this was it.

Rosa sat beside Camilla, cheering as the men played. "They're doing great," she whispered, her hands splayed on her lap. "If Julian there throws the ball towards them, they'll be able off to a good start."

Camilla had absolutely no idea who she was referring to until she glanced at the man with the ball in his hands. She immediately noticed that although he was a little shorter than Storm, he was much bigger around his shoulders and chest. He was definitely far more built, but because he was smaller (although could you refer to a man as being small when he was still standing at six feet?) it helped him in gaining his place on the field.

Julian threw the ball forward and the men all began playing the field.

It was a spur to watch and no matter how many times she did, Camilla knew she would never quite grasp the meaning behind the game. Thankfully she always had Rosa by her side to translate it, almost like it was a completely different language.

That was until she heard a gasp and followed to the source of the noise; towards the middle of the field, things appeared to have heated up. Two men were seen sizing each other up, their arms and legs dirty, but their gaze trained ahead. "What's happening?" Camilla asked quietly.

The stands were almost hushed until the first guy retracted his arm and punched forward. Suddenly a roar of outrage went through the crowd and people stood up, yelling profanities at the players.

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