Perfect Storm: 31

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The ambulance arrived ten minutes later.

By then, the entire house was frantic. Rosa hadn't been able to stop crying until a few minutes ago, for both the pain and reminder that she could be losing her baby. However, they'd all been by her side, cleaning up the remnants of blood and comforting her.

Camilla had never witnessed such a devastating scene, at least not like this. But the blood, it held raw memories for her and they'd danced across her vision, over and over again until it remained engraved.

Storm had appeared to be the one person who was in control. Unlike the rest of them who panicked or froze, including her father who had remained in shock, Storm had called the ambulance and ensured that everybody was fine, physically at least. Craig however, was harder to reach. He clung to his wife's side, his face so close to crumbling that it almost hurt and that broke Camilla's heart.

But by that point, they were being bundled into the ambulance. Rosa stopped halfway and clawed her way to Camilla, "Please come." She murmured and Camilla nodded, promising she would. Her hands trembled as she watched the ambulance pull away with Craig in it, he had insisted that he had to be there until the paramedics had succumbed.

"Oh no," her mother whispered from behind her as the flashing blue lights vanished into the distance. Camilla turned to her mother immediately as she spoke frantically, "I need to switch the oven off and oh God, the frosting on the cake will melt out and leak on the table cloth and-"

"It's okay Mum," she said, interrupting her rant rapidly. Her mother rarely did this, but it was her way of dealing - remembering the small, tiny details that others didn't in emergencies. "Go. I'll clean and lock up for you, then I'll come and join you at the hospital. Okay?"

She felt Storm stand up behind her, resting his hand on her shoulder. "I've booked an Uber for you both," he said, noticing the way her parents clung to each other.

"Thank you," her dad said, a second before he pulled Gabby back into the house with him to get their things.

Outside in the cold, Camilla stood beside Storm now who wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him. "I can't believe what just happened," she finally whispered, feeling herself blink back tears.

Storm's ragged breathing was enough of a reply. "The doctors will be there ... we don't know for certain what's really happening yet, Camilla,"

Camilla abruptly turned towards him, surprising the both of them. "I know, Storm. I know what it's like to go through a miscarriage," Her abortion had technically induced a miscarriage and she could still remember every detail. "I-I, with my abortion, the exact same thing happened and I just, I can remember it all so clearly now. All the blood. The pain. Everything. And watching Rosa ... the hardest part is I can imagine a portion of what she's feeling,"

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