Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

  Justin’s POV

  “What do you want?” I scowled at the king himself.

  “Ooh. Hateful are we? I see you’re still holding that grudge.”

  “You killed my family you bastard!” I lunged at the king but he was too quick. He stepped aside with ease while I fell flat on my face.

  “Look, Justin. Decisions were made. Besides, all I want is your human.”

  “I’ll give you anything BUT Wynter.”

  “Stop saying that stupid name. Her new name will be-“

  “Look, I really don’t care.” I interrupted him. “Wynter is staying with me. That’s final.”

  “Don’t mess with the king, Bieber. You have a month to give me Wynter. She will go to my son, Jonathon when you give me her.”

  “I’ll leave town.” I said, boldly.

  “I’ll hunt you down.” The king turned around and raced away.

  “Whatever, king douchebag.” I murmured under my breath, leaving to go get Wynter.

Wynter’s POV

  I really liked Alice and Trent, but it was kinda disgusting watching them trying to eat each other.

  Must be some weird vampire thing.

  I sighed and turned back to the TV. I missed Justin. A lot more then I probably should’ve.

 Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I jumped up and ran to the door and opened it. A smile grew on my face when I saw him. I didn’t know what got into me.

  “Hey, Wynter!” Justin wrapped his arms around my body and his chest tightly rubbed against mine. I didn’t know what to do, so I did the same.

“Hey, Justin.” I softly spoke.

 Justin pulled away and looked up at me, cupping my cheeks. He stared at me intently, like he was struggling on doing something.

 “I, uh, missed you...” he trailed off.

“Hey Justin!” Alice said waving at Justin. Justin suddenly snapped his head over to Trent and Alice.

“Hey guys!” Justin said waving back.

“Dude, where have you been?” Trenton asked.

“Oh, um, I was with the King…” Justin said trailing off again.

“Oh, uh, okay.” Trenton looked over at Alice, and they exchanged looks.

It was silent.

“Well, I’ve decided that Wynter and I are going to leave. Just for a little while.” Justin looked upset.

 He walked over to Alice and wrapped his arms around her. Suddenly something happened inside of me. I felt angry and hurt? Then he walked over to Trent and wrapped his arms around him, then I suddenly thought the action was mutual.

 “If you need anything, you can always call us.”

  Justin nodded. “Bye, guys.”

  I walked over to Alice and Trent and wrapped my arms around them.

“Thanks, Alice.” I said while my arms were around her.

 I went back to the door and Justin did too.

  We left, never looking back.

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