2. The Elevator

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Hey guys!

How you doing? So I decided to dedicate this chapter to the people who actually inspired e to write this book.

Thank you guys.(hugs) dedicated @Pewtie_pie @Taylor_the_Writer sarcasm_on_point .

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

happy reading :)

I've got 5 minutes before my best friend comes around to pick me up and I am yet to pack my bag for class. I muttered a few color full words when I heard my phone ringing.Again!

"You know I'm never gonna get ready if you keep calling me every 2 minutes." I grunted out trying to balance my phone between my ear and shoulder and trying to shove my books into my backpack.

"I know. I just like riling you up shorty" He laughed like an idiot. And in the background I could hear the traffic. I rolled me eyes at his childish behavior.

"See you in a minute Dumbo." I cut the call before he decided to make more fun of me. I was all done after I pulled on my boots. I'm soo over winter already and its just mid december. Its cold for almost 8 months a year where I live so it gets quite annoying after a while. I never get to wear spring clothes which I love.

I was just picking up my keys when I heard my neighbors door banging open. Where's he going so early anyway? Not like I would know but usually he leaves after me. Shrugging my shoulders I picked up my keys from the draw. Guess he was finally tired of being cooped up in his flat all the time.

I heard the elevator ding just as I unlocked my door. I took my time locking it up since I usually never use the elevator. I'm big on saving non renewable sources. So I use the stairs and its just the fifth floor anyways. Not like I would be tired from it.

Just as the elevator door was completely shutting Jace stuck his foot out fro the inside. The door opened up once again and he gave me a look saying 'Go on then! get inside before I grow a moustache.' Well that is what I thought it meant.

I gave an uneasy smile and got in not wanting to be rude. There goes my save power logo. Well its not like he knew. I turned to him and gave another smile. "Good morning Jace." I said brightly. He was wearing his black leather jacket and a beanie.

He took his time and said "Hello." He just nodded his head and looked at his bag. I rolled my eyes discreetly. This guy is so rude I tell you! But its not like I did not expect it. This is pretty much how he is with everyone. As far as I have seen.

By the time we got to the first floor I could hear the sound of my best friends obnoxiously loud music. I almost jumped out as soon as the elevator stopped and speed walked to the car. My best friend Aaron was standing there trying to get off a spot off the car.

Me and him co owned the Audi 6 which almost always he drove since I mostly preferred walking to places. I decided to pitch in since he really liked the car but it was way out of his budget. So we bought it together and he drives me places since its too cold to walk most of the times.

"Good morning shorty. Took you long enough." He said with a goofy smile.

I glared at him. "You know I am never late. I literally call you everyday to hurry up since I am standing on the street.And the only reason I was late today was because you kept calling me and I had to stop whatever I am doing since I didn't want to ignore it in case it was something important.Do you kno-" I stopped my rant when I saw Aaron looking at something behind me. I turned around to see Jace walking out slowly taking his time.

As he came near Aaron completely ignored what I was saying and stepped in his direction.They both did the boy hand shake thing and to my surprise Jace spoke "It's getting really cold isn't it?" And then they launched into a discussion about weather. Oh so now he can speak? Whatever! Its not like he's my best friend. Its just that I am a people pleaser. So I am compulsively nice most of the time.

So I just stood there awkwardly waiting for them to finish their weather report. What happened to Aaron wanting to go to class early? Its not like they give detentions in college but we are not allowed to class if we were late.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that they were done talking and were walking again, I turned around and got in to the passenger seat. I pulled the jack out from Aaron's phone. It was time for my music.

I put on hey nana by Katie Herzig. I love the beat of it. Aaron got in and buckled his seat belt and groaned. "My songs were playing." He whined like a five year old.

I ignored him and stared singing " I bet you have a lover whos as fine as you " I looked up when I felt someone staring. I looked through the window to see Jace was standing few feet away at his car. When he saw me looking he did the most unexpected thing.

"Have a nice day Eva."

With that he shut his car door and started the engine. I shook my head and muttered to myself "You too Jace."

So? How was it?

I wrote it in a hurry. And I don't have much planned for the story so I'm just kind of going with the flow.

Hope you liked it and enjoyed it.

Until next time. See you guys.

P.s: If you can vote and comment it would make me really happy.

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