8. The Aftermath

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Hey you guys!

We reached #663 on humor!!!!! I know it's not the first but it's the best it reached for now. So I'm happy.(Random dance) So thanks to everyone of you who read the story, voted and commented. I love you guys.

I have nothing planned for this chapter yet,so it might be kinda filler-ish. Sorry in advance.

Now off to the story.

Happy reading. :)

    The atmosphere got really tense after Caleb left. No one knew what to say so we were just awkwardly staring at random things. Dan and Josh looked like they had no clue what went down there and Jace had his usual poker face on. The girl from before (who took Jace god knows where) looked  constipated. It was getting almost suffocating when Mon and Matt came back.Finally!

   "What's wrong guys? " Matts voice sounded worried at our expressions. Mon was behind Matt and one look at my face she came to my side pushing Matt out of the way. She looked at me worriedly trying to see if I was alright.

    "What's wrong Ev?" She asked when I didn't say anything. "Caleb." That one word was enough for her to understand whats wrong. Her concerned expression changed to anger in a second and her eyes darted around to check if he was still lurking around. "That little rat!" She looked ready to murder him. I smiled at her. "It's okay Mon.He left already. I'm sure he won't bother me anytime soon again. " I assured her. Mon sometimes went a little overboard with her anger. I tried to change the subject before she went into one of her moods.

   "So what took you guys so long?" I asked in a teasing voice. She let out an annoyed sigh at this. "Don't ask. Mattie here can't take directions too well and took the wrong turn. " She explained. "Uh huh." I responded and stared at her long to see if something interesting went down. While we were discussing this Jace seemed to fill in Matt on what happened while he was gone. They were talking in low voices and when Matt saw me looking he came over to me. "I'm so sorry Eva. I didn't know you guys had issues. I wouldn't have let my brother invite him."He sounded really sorry.In the background I heard Mon mutter something along"Well should've asked." I gave her a look and she pretended she didn't say anything.

    "Its fine Matt. Its no big deal. You really don't have to worry about it." I told Matt. I felt bad that we caused drama at his party. He had nothing to be sorry about. He still didn't look convinced but smiled nonetheless.

     "I think we should get going. Its late." I was tired and wasn't really mood for more people interaction. I've had enough for the night. Matt nodded understandingly. He turned to Jace and asked seriously."Are you taking them?" Before he could respond I started speaking. "Its fine.We can order a cab." I didn't want Jace to leave the party early because of us. He could've made plans for later. I didn't want to be a bother.

     "No. He'll take you."Matt said in a final tone.

      "Oh yea?Who died and made you the Queen Mattie? News flash,she's still alive." Mon answered sarcastically. I stared at her with a raised eyebrow. What was up with her? Matt looked ticked off.

       "Well no one offered you Hitler.You can walk for all you want. I was talking to Eva."He snapped at her. Okay? What's I miss? Why were they fighting? I thought Matt liked Mon like 30 minutes back.What went wrong? I turned to look at Jace and he looked just as surprised as I was but he was hiding an amused smile.

       "Should I call a cab Mon? You can sleepover at mine." I asked her not knowing what to do. "What? No! Jace can take us." She turned to him and stared intently as if daring him to say no. "Yea. I'll take you guys." Jace offered.

       "You don't have to.We can go."I told him but he wouldn't listen. "We'll leave in a 5. I'll just come you guys go put on your coats. He waved us off and walked out of the living room. Mon shrugged and started walking to the coat room. "Mon I'll just be a minute. I need to talk to Matt." I needed to know what went wrong on their grocery trip. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

     "What happened?" I asked Matt straight to the point. "What do you mean?" He asked just as normally. "Don't even Matt! I thought you liked her? Why are you guys snipping at each other?" I asked a bit too loud.

     "I don't know okay? One minute we were having and then she started shouting at me and I didn't really know what I did. We were having a general discussion." He sounded confused.

     "What were you guys talking about?" I asked patiently. "About some college fair and then we were talking about mascots and how your college had a stupid one-" He was still continuing when I cut him off.

     "You toe rag! Why would you say that?!" He looked at me as if I am crazy. "Okay what's with you two?" He asked. "You never  talk bad about my university. Never. No wonder she was angry at you." I shook my head at him. Our Mascot, The Penguin was the pride of our university.  No one gets to make fun of it.Especially not kids from other university.

    "You guys are crazy."Matt looked half amused and half annoyed. "I'll try and cool her about you but never repeat that again ok?" I looked at him seriously. He laughed at me. "Sure Eva. And I'm really sorry about what happened okay?" He apologized again.

    I rolled my eyes at him. "Its fine Matt. It wasn't even your mistake and it was no big deal.Just forget it all right?" I gave him a goofy smile. "I'll see you soon okay?" I bid him goodbye and went to where Mon was standing waiting for him. Jace was with her. We hurried through the door and got to the car and blasted off the heat.

    "I can't go to your place tonight Ev .My stupid roommate just called and said I needed to come sort out some 'issue'. I'm sure its useless but you know how she is." Mon wanted to go to her room tonight because of the 'issue'.

    It took us about 10 minutes to drop her off at the dorms and start towards the apartment. Jace looked at me sideways and asked "So,did you find out what went on with them?" He asked about Matt and Mon's spat. I explained what Matt told me and by the time I was done he looked really amused.

    "All of that over a stupid penguin?" He laughed.

     And that's when we had our 'spat'.


How was it?

Sorry if it was short but I didn't want to stretch it further. Hope you liked it. If you did please vote and comment your views.

Until next time. See ya!

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