5. The Invitation

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Hey you guys!

How you doing? Fine I hope. It's been a really exhausting day for me but I wanted to write before going to bed. So don't mind me if I write gibberish that doesn't make any sense in between.

This chapter id dedicated to @hamemo_azrim . Thank you for the votes and positive comments. Hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Happy reading. :)

         I was picking up my bag to leave when I heard the jingling of keys from the hallway. I purposefully stalled going outside since I didn't really fancy seeing my neighbor. Its not that I was trying to avoid him. Or may be I was. But it wasn't me who started it. It has been one week since the day he came to the cafe and I made him the dreaded coffee. Ever since the next day he's been acting weird. Not that he ever acted normal before. But this past week he was particularly weird and rude. Just the other day when I tried to say hello when I saw him at the grocery store he ran in the opposite direction. I guess he got too lazy to even nod his head these days. Whatever. Its not like I care.

      When I didn't hear any noise for a couple of minutes I assumed he left and opened my door. I was surprised to see Matt standing by the elevator texting on his phone. He looked up at the sound of my boots and smiled broadly.

      "Hey Eva. I thought you left. I wanted to talk to you but I figured you weren't home so I decided to come back later." I raised my eyebrow at this. What did he want to talk to me? Was my stupid neighbor complaining to him that I was stalking him just because he saw me at the store? I wouldn't put it past him.

      "Hey Matt. Anything important? Why'd you think I was out anyway?" I was curious now. "Oh. Jace just told me that you wouldn't be home this time around." He said casually. Who's the stalker now huh?

       "Yea I was just about to leave." I shrugged not knowing what else to say. "So the reason I wanted to see you was because I wanted to invite you to this party I'm having at my place tomorrow night. Don't give me that look. It isn't a typical college party.Its just a simple get together for people from different groups to hang out." He finished quickly.

       "Um you see I don't think I should be there. I don't really know anyone there except for you. I don't think I'll be having much fun by myself in a house full of strangers." How much ever uncomfortable I was saying no I would be more uncomfortable going to that party. Its better I tell him now rather than cancel later on.

       "Trust me you'll have fun there. You'll meet new people and you met my friends last week and ofcourse you know Jace." He said in a pleading tone. I almost rolled my eyes at the last part.Sure doesn't seem like it.

        "I'm pretty sure they don't remember me and Jace would rather poke his eyes than talk to me. I will end up looking stupid there." I tried to decline again. This guy is just too nice.

        "You can invite your friend Monica along. We are having over some other people you might know as well. From your uni. So you guys will be fine." He assured. Monica and him have met a couple of times before through me but I didn't think they were close enough for him to invite her to a party. Heck I didn't me and Matt were close enough for him to invite me.

         "Okay. What's this really about Matt? No offense but having a party just for people from different groups to hang out sounds lame.So whats your plan?" I had to know what was going on in his head.

          "Ugh! When did the CIA appoint you anyways? Why can't you invite your friend and just come to the party?" He looked a mixture of frustrated and embarrassed. When I didn't reply and kept staring at him he let out an annoyed sigh. I've never seen Matt so worked up before and it was amusing to watch.

          "I like your friend okay? Not like like but just like. So I just wanted to hang out with her and see if she's into me.So I decided to invite you guys to the party we've planned before." He looked so embarrassed it was really cute I resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks.

          "Aww Matt you should've just told me. You are so cute. " I gushed trying to annoy him more. This time he looked more annoyed than embarrassed.  "Shut up Eva." He grumbled and I laughed at him.This was quiet a shock to me though. He never really showed that he was into her before. Its interesting.

           "So you'll bring her right?" He asked sounding like a sad puppy. This should be interesting because most of the time it was Monica who was trying to set me up with random strangers but this time I'll get the chance to do it. I'm sure I could convince her to go with me but I decided to tease Matt a little more. It was fun seeing him all riled up.

            "Wait, So the only reason you are inviting me is because you want to hang out with Mon? Not because I am your friend? "I asked feigning seriousness.

             "What? No! That's not what I meant. Cmon Eva you know you are a good friend of mine. That's not what I was trying to do." He rushed his words and I started laughing at his expression.My laughter broke when I saw Jace standing in his doorway. When did he get there anyway?

                "You should really come. He can't shut up about her. I think I heard him saying her name in his sleep in the lecture yesterday." Jace  said in all seriousness looking at Matt as if he pitied him for ever liking a person.

                 "Stop your BS Matthews. I didn't even sleep in the lecture yesterday. And not everyone can 'shut up' like you do." He looked at Jace sharply. Okay what'd I miss? Are we still talking about Monica? And why was Jace talking to me now anyways? Was his time of the month over?

                 Just as the tension was rising Matt's phone went off. He looked down at it and shook his head. "I have to take this. But you are coming tomorrow okay? I'll text you the address and time. See you tomorrow." He told me firmly and shook Jace's hand and left with his phone to his ear. I stared at his retreating figure and smiled at the thought of him and Mon together. They would make a cute couple.

               "I can give you guys a ride tomorrow if you'd like. His place is kinda hard to find." I was surprised at Jace's offer to say the least.When did he get so nice? Or may be he was just rooting for his best friend like I am. But I need to make sure If there is a chance of Mon liking him. She was single at the moment since her date last week didn't go as planned. That guy turned out to be a real jerk.I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

             "Thanks. I'll let you know after I talk to Mon." I told him since I wasn't sure if we were going and if we were,should we go with him?

              "Okay then. I guess I'll see you later." He straightened out from his slumping form on the door.  "Yea. Sure." I turned around to lock my door on the way out.

              I walked to stairs and got down the first two when I heard his voice again. "Have a nice day  Eva."He gave an almost smile and disappeared inside.

             "You too Jace." I muttered to myself.


How was it guys?

It was a bit shorter than the last one but I had to stop it here because the next chapter will be about the party and I didn't want to stop it in middle.

Anyways hope you liked it. Please vote and comment your views. That would make me so happy.

Until next time. See ya!

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