3. The First Encounter

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Hey guys!

I guess I am on a roll. I am updating every other day.

Its a good thing since I'll be really busy with classes and exams.So i'll try and write as much as I can before that happens.

I have many questions to ask you guys, like do you want much longer chapters or quick updates? Do you want this story to be long or short like may be 25 chapters? Please do let me know.

This chapter is dedicated to @dazzlerdoll for always supporting me. Love you girl!

Oh and btw I would really like it if you could check out my other story "My teacher is a jerk".

Sorry for the long A/N. Off you go now.

Happy reading.

        "Hey is this gluten free?" My friend Monica asked holding up a cup of yogurt. Monica is one of my closest friends from campus. We hang out a lot and she comes over to study every weekend(yea I know studying on weekends, lame!)

         "Yea it is Mon." I smiled shaking my head. Its been an hour since she came over saying she needs help in pathology but she was yet to open her book. She was snooping through the fridge hoping she could find something interesting.

          "You know you should really go grocery shopping. You literally have one egg no milk and a tin of coke." She said finally giving up her treasure hunt and decided to eat the yogurt.

           "I know! I've been really busy the past week and I was eating out half of the time so I had no time to do it. I'll have to go today." Its true though I've been living off that egg since 8 days. I really needed to shop asap.

            "What do you say we go now? I'm not really in the mood to study right now." She would put off studying as long as she can but hey I'm not complaining. I already finished studying for the test anyway.

              "Yea let me just call my mom and then we will leave." I call my parents and my sister every single day. This might seem strange to some people but my family is really close.So I can never go a day without talking to them.

               I talked for about 10 minutes and said goodbye because I didn't want to make Mon wait for too long.  I would've called after coming back but we never know when we come back once we leave the house.

              I stuffed my wallet,phone and keys in my side bag and locked the door. I turned around to see Mon staring at my neighbors door.When she saw me looking she gave me a teasing smirk.

             "How come we don't see the hotty next door  much these days? Trying to keep him all to yourself?" She wiggled her eyebrows like a deranged monkey.

              "Yea right. Like he is mine to begin with. You can have him all for yourself. I absolutely don't mind." I said rolling my eyes.

              "Oh cmon! You know he's hot.You should totally get with him. That would be so fetch!" She flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

               "Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen." I did my best Regina George impersonation and we both burst out laughing because it was spot on.

                 "In all seriousness though, you guys have great chemistry. Remember the first time we met him? I totally missed the show." She pouted as if she'd missed Ryan Gosling walking across the street. What she said brought back memories. Embarrassing memories from the first time I moved to the apartment 2 years back.


              I just moved in to the flat 10 days back and I didn't know many people in the apartment apart from a guy from the university and his girl friend. Monica whom I'd met at the orientation came around to help me unpack and sort since she lived in the dorms and didn't have much stuff to sort. We became kinda close so she came over a couple of times before. That day she decided to sleep over since we were studying for our very first test in anatomy and it would be late by the time we were done.

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