9. The study night

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Hey guys!

I'm really sorry for the late update. It took me 4 days this time to update. I was staying at my friends place for the past 2 days and I didn't take my laptop with me so I'm typing this on phone.That's why I couldn't update. Anyways I'm sorry for being late.

Notice:I entered Hello Neighbor! in #ahaawards on x_oluchi_x  suggestion. So this chapter is dedicated to her. I hope you guys support the story and vote and comment on it for this. It's been entered in People's Choice Awards.

Now off to the story.

Happy reading :)

    It was 12.30 a.m and the text book and I were having a staring match. Which I was losing.Terribly. This week has been really tiring and it was just wednesday. Well I guess it is thursday now. I had an early morning class tomorrow and I'm running on 4 hours sleep for the past few days. I tried reading out loud in order to concentrate better. I'm sure the whole floor can hear me but I'm beyond the point of caring right now. And its not like there's anyone to hear. It's just me and Jace in this floor and I'm sure he was either out or brooding away in his bedroom with headphones on. I was pacing from living room to the guest room and trying to cram as much as possible in my zombie state.

  I was kind of getting into it when there was a knock on my door. Who would knock on my door at this hour? Usually only Aaron comes around at this time but he always call before coming over. I walked to the door and stood on my tip toes to look through the peep hole. I was almost surprised when I saw it was Jace. What did he want at this time of the night?May be I was disturbing him with my loud reading . I shrugged to myself and ran my hand through my hair before opening the door.

  Jace looked like he just rolled out of the bed. His hair was messy and he was in his night clothes. I smiled at him as I opened the door. He just stared back at me with a neutral expression. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a questioning look when he didn't talk.

  "Hey.I'm sorry,Was I disturbing you?" I tried when he didn't speak.

  "What? Oh, no."He looked confused for a second but didn't say any further. "Okaay." I trailed off awkwardly. I had a lot to study before sleeping and he wasn't helping just standing in the doorway wasting away time.

  He looked at my expression and finally spoke  "I just wanted to ask if your wifi is working." I looked at him wierdly. "Um yes it is." I answered in a confused tone. What's that to do with him? Was he using my wifi without me knowing?

  "Oh.Okay.Its just that mine isn't working and all of us have the same line so I wanted to know if everyone has that problem or just me." He said casually. I shook my head."Well mine's working.You can use mine if its an emergency.I guess you can reach it from your living room." I offered. No one has to live without wifi in this world.Its like living without food.

  "Its fine. I've got internet on my phone." He held up his iphone and shrugged. "Cool then." I said lamely waiting for him to leave so I could start studying again. He just stood there scratching the back of his neck. "Okay then I'll see you around." He spoke.  "Good night Jace. " I smiled at him. I waited for him to walk back to his door before closing mine and walked back inside.

  I decided I needed a coffee before I fell asleep right on my study desk. I was making my usual black coffee with two spoons of sugar when my started ringing. I answered it without looking at the caller id. "Hey Ev? Did you finish studying?" Mon's tired voice came through the speaker. "Don't ask! It's like I'm going back. The more I study,the more I'm forgetting." I answered in a frustrated voice. This is the toughest subject we've had till date and every student hated it with passion. We were losing sleep over it.

"What do you say we skip it tomorrow?"She asked in a hopeful voice. I sighed "I wish! But you know we can't Mon." We didn't have a choice in this matter. I was do or do. There was no die. "Ugh! I know." She agreed in a defeated voice. She was about to say something else when there was a knock on my door. Again!

  "Is someone knocking your door? " Mon asked in a curious voice. I put my mug down and muttered an unenthusiastic yea. "Who's visiting you at this time? Is it Aaron?" She was too curious for her own good. "I don't think so. I think its Jace .He came by before." I answered hurriedly because I didn't want whoever it was to wait.

  "Ooo late night meetings huh?" I could hear the teasing tone in her voice. There was another knock and I opened the door this time. "Eva and Jace sitting in a tree ki-" I cut her off "Shut up Mon. I'll call you later." I cut the call before she could tease me further. I took a deep breath and looked at Jace  who had an amused expression on. "Yes Jace?" I cut to the chase this time. His expression was making me squirm.

"Do you happen to have a hair drier?"He asked casually with a straight face. I looked at him dubiously.What did he want with a hair drier at 1 in the night? "Yes.But why do you need it now?" I asked before I could stop myself. Don't blame me. I was curious.

  "Matt just called. He's whining about some hair style and how he needed a hair drier to make it." He answered confidently. He smirked at my expression. "You know how Matt is."He said in a know-it-all voice. I'm sure the Matt I know never really brushed his hair all through but who knows with these guys.They are crazy.

"Sure. Be right back." I walked to my washroom and picked the drier from the white cupboard. I haven't used it in a while but I'm sure its working. I shrugged and took it back to the doorway. I gave it to Jace and he looked at it with uninterest.

  "Ask Matt to snap a pic and send me." I told him. "I'll make sure of it. Wouldn't want you missing make up with Matt tutorials." He said and I laughed at this. "Well then good night. I'm sure you have to get back to Monica." He smirked and walked to his door. "Good night Jace." I walked inside and shut the door.

  I finished my studying and was packing up my stuff when I heard a knock again. This time it was very low. I wasn't sure if it was real or I just imagined it so I waited. I heard it again just as low as the last time. I got up annoyed. It was getting annoying and repetitive now. I reached the door and was about to unlock the door when I heard the sound of a door opening. I peeped through the hole to make sure and it was good thing because it wasn't me who had a visitor.

  My neighbor has a visitor and it was the girl from the party. I stood there for a second before turning away from the door not wanting to see like a stalker. I walked back to my bedroom and finally climbed into my soft bed. I heard a ping from my phone notifying a message. I picked up to see a message from Mon.

'Eva and Jace sitting in a tree K I S S I N G'

  Yea right! I thought to myself and decided not to reply to her antics.


How was it?

Hope you like it. I'm sorry if it was a filler and short.

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Until next time. See ya!

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