4. The Cafe

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Hey you guys!

How was your day? I am so excited for PLL to be back! Finally!!!!! After waiting for so long. I'm in love with that show.

This chapter may not be up to the mark since I was up all night studying and I got up early again to study before class. So I'm sorry if it was boring.

This chapter is dedicated to @HopeChesco for voting and commenting and showing her support.Thanks girl!

Now off to the story.All aboard.

Happy reading :)

After the longest 3 days of the week it was finally thursday today and I had nothing to do. Yay me! But it was a really tiring week and I didn't have any important class tomorrow. So I have time to myself to relax before the weekend starts tomorrow night and my friends force some stupid activity on me.

Currently I was watching Pitch Perfect lounging on the couch drinking iced tea. I had planned the whole evening out with my favorite shows. It was the best relaxation I could ask for. Just as the Barden Bellas were rocking price tag I heard my phone ring.I picked it up to see who was disturbing my movie marathon. I rolled my eyes when I saw it was Aaron. I know what its going to be about. I sighed and clicked answer.

"No! I am not doing it for you." I replied before he could start his sweet talk to lure me in. I knew him too well to fall for his antics.

"But I haven't even asked you yet!" He whined like a 4 year old. "Yea but I know what you're gonna ask and I am not free to do it." I answered as if I was talking to a rebel kid trying to get out of homework. Which he does all the time by the way. He makes me do his assignments most of the times.

"Cmon Eva please! I swear I'll not ask you ever again. And I'll buy you your favorite cupcakes after class tomorrow." He tried to persuade.

"No Aaron. Its too cold out for me to go and I was having a movie marathon. Why are you so lazy anyways? You were sleeping all through the lecture in the morning too." I am truly astounded about how much he can sleep. He literally sleeps for 15 hours on weekends.

"Thats because I was up studying the whole night. I was way too sleepy in the morning." I rolled my eyes at this. Why bother studying the night if you are going to miss the next lecture.

"What are you gonna do now anyway? Don't tell me you plan on sleeping." I was going to give in like all the other times. I'm way too nice to say no but I did try this time. A+ for effort right?

"Robins truck ran out of fuel and he's stuck in the middle of no where. Me and Chase are taking him fuel. He doesn't even have good network there so he can't send us the location. He told us the area so we are gonna drive around . So it'll take long and if I don't cover my shift again I'm going to get sacked. " He finished in a desperate tone.

"Ugh! Okay. How long do I have before I get there?" I asked getting up to get ready. I can't say no after hearing the reason. He's helping out somebody so I don't mind doing it.

"Half an hour. And thank you so much shorty. I'll make it up to you." He sounded considerably cheerful. I smiled at this. "Yea sure.Just don't forget my cupcakes for tomorrow."

I cut the call and decided to get ready since I had just about 15 minutes to get ready. The cafe Aaron works at is just a 10 minute walk and I didn't want to be late. Its not going to take long for me to get ready since I washed my hair this morning. I picked a white sweater with a panda on it and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and applied eye liner and lip gloss. I took my black sling bag and stuffed money and a chap stick .

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