13. The double date

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Hey guys!!

How are you doing? I'm still sick if you're wondering. I was on a lot of medication so I couldn't write the past three days. Hope you understand.

Now to the good news. We reached #263 on humor on 7th of may. That's wonderful. I'm so happy!! All thanks to you guys.

I don't know if I'll finish writing the whole chapter today. Let's hope I do. And sorry before hand for any mistakes because I'm not at my best right now. Anywho. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Happy reading. :)

Today was the day me and Jace were trying to set up Mon and Matt. Jace filled me in on our not so elaborate plan yesterday night. Me and Mon will be going to the movies where we meet Matt and Jace 'coincidentally'. And then Jace will invite us to dinner and from there we just hope and see if they connect.There's nothing much we can do after. You can't just force people on each other how much ever you ship them. I know. So unfortunate.

The movie starts at 6 p.m and I decided to meet Mon at the dorms so that she doesn't meet Matt or Jace before.Aaron was coming by later anyway to pick up some stuff so I planned on asking him to drop me off. I looked at the clock to see it was 4.45 in the evening.I need to start getting ready because we need to get to the movies early to get the tickets.

I opened my wardrobe and scanned through my clothes. It was too casual to wear a dress and too cold to wear shorts. So I picked a black peplum top which was transparent around the neck and peachy pink skinny jeans and jacket. I chose a black clutch and black heels. Casual enough for the movies and classy enough if we were eating at a fancy place.(Check the picture at the beginning of the chapter.)

I brushed my hair and applied light make up. I was almost done when I heard my door bell ring. I did not get the chance to open since Aaron used his spare keys to get in. I rolled my eyes at his goofy grin. He ignored my look and closed the door behind him.

I was texting Mon that I was about to start when Aaron spoke."Why all fancy?" He raised his eyebrows at my outfit. "I thought you guys were just going to the movies."

"Yea. But didn't I tell you about the dinner? I don't know which restaurant Jace is gonna pick so I don't want to be under dressed." I explained my reason for dressing up.

"Uh huh. I see." He replied offhandedly while stuffing his face with the pie Jace brought over yesterday. "This is great." He mumbled in between bites and I shook my head at him with a smile. He is always eating. I don't get how he's not fat.

"Shall we go?" I asked him once he was done with the pie.

"Yea let's go." He picked his keys and walked out the door and waited for me by the elevator. I checked myself in the mirror once more and locked the door. As I was crossing Jace's door there was no sound from his lat. As always. I just hope he wasn't asleep. That would wreck our whole plan.

When we reached the car I pulled my coat closer to myself. It was too cold and I'm happy I didn't have to walk or wait for a cab. Aaron laughed at my expression and blasted off the heat as soon as he got into the car.

It was just a 10 minute drive and before we knew it Mon was waving her hand at us from afar. Aaron slowed down the car and Mon got into the back seat and grinned widely at us.

"Hey Aaron. Why don't you join us in the movie? I heard its really good." Mon offered Aaron.

"Trust me. You got good company." Aaron smirked at her through the rear view mirror and I shot him a glare. He knew about my match making plan and thought I would fail. I'll show him how its done.I huffed to myself.

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