Chapter Fifteen

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I went to Alec's room When I woke up, it was time for patrol so I decided to change my outfit. and saw him sitting on his bed, deep in thought.

"Alec?", I said softly, "it's time to go".

He nodded and we left. We decided to go over to the Cullen's side of the treaty. I climbed a tree and hide my scent. I was able to see one of the wolves across the treaty. I think it was Seth. I then started to play with my powers. Man patrol is boring. I then started to think about how Saturday would go. Who knows. I then lost focus with my powers and made a branch fall from another tree, but was able to catch it with my telekinesis.

I then decided to go down and walk around since I had absolutely nothing to do. I then crossed the treaty and sat against a tree. I then looked at my watch and saw that I had only been on patrol for four hours. I have five more hours of patrol. I was going to be bored for a while. I then heard a twig snap and I quickly turned with my stele and saw a wolf.

"Hey", I said and put my stele away. I then put my attention back to patrolling. Then the pack member who I am pretty sure was Seth, sat down next to me as a wolf.

"Are you Seth?", I asked. He nodded his big wolf head. He then left. I just thought that he left because it was time for him to go. So I just sat there.

"Boo", he said as gripped onto the side of my shoulders, I, of course, jumped a bit, but not one sound came out of my mouth.

"You scared me", I said as I punched him

"Sorry, I got bored", he said as sat next to me

"Are you delighted now?", I asked

"No, you didn't scream", he said as he wined

"Well, the whole time you and I know each other, I will not scream", I said

"Oh, l will make you scream at some point", he said

"Why'd you phase back?", I said

"No reason, you looked like you needed company", he said

"Whatever", I said

"I also want to see your powers", he said with a huge grin

"Why?", I said

"Why not?", he said. I thought for five seconds and sighed. I then picked up some twigs with my telekinesis and put it in front of Seth. I just move them for a while until I snapped them, which scared him.

"That's cool", he said

"They may be cool, but they are also powerful", I said

"How strong are your powers", he asked

"Strong enough to ripped someone into shreds, a human, or even a super natural creature", I said

"Wow, do you have any other powers?", he asked

"I have mental manipulation and neuroelectric interfacing", I said. I turned to look at him and saw him confused

"I can make people see their worst nightmare, and can see their past", I said. He nodded now understanding. I then smell vampire and it wasn't the Cullens. Both Seth and I ran towards the smell seeing the red headed girl that killed Seth's father. The Cullens were chasing her too. By now, Seth was a wolf and Alec had joined. I jumped the treaty and made sure Alec stayed on the other side. I almost had her until she jumped the treaty and Emmet was going to jump. He jumped but was stopped by Paul. Everyone stayed to watch the scene, except for Alec and I. I jumped the treaty and was able to grab onto her shoulder, but she flung me into a tree. Alec then didn't chase after her to make sure I was okay. The bark had cut my cheek.

"You okay", he asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's just go back to patrolling.", I said and he nodded. He didn't ask about my cheek since we both knew I would be okay. We just had one hour left of patrolling and we decided to go back to where the scene happened. Everyone was still there. Carlisle was explaining to Sam that it was an accident. Sam then noticed us.

"Did you get her?", he asked

"No, she slipped away", I said

"We'll see you at training", I said to Carlisle. He nodded, and Alec and I left.

"Are you sure you are okay?", he asked

"Yes, I'm sure", I said trying to wipe the blood away.

"Here let's go to the creek and let me help you clean up", he said and I nodded. When we arrived at the creek Alec had a small towel that he soaked with water. He then started to wipe the blood away.

Once he was done it was time for us to go home. We left together and we past Jace and Isabelle.

When we arrived I went straight to my room. I was tired. So I first went to the bathroom to completely clean my cut. I put my pajamas on and went to a dreamless sleep. 

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