Red Envelopes (7)

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Flashback: 2004

"You look happy today Riri. May I know the reason why?" I teased my best friend. She was smiling since this morning. I wonder what's on her mind right now.

She smiled wider. "Nothing."

I laughed at her. "Can I call you crazy?" I teased her again.

She rolled her eyes. I laughed at what she did. She is really fun. I'm so happy that she's my best friend. We stopped laughing when Miss Perry came in.

"Good morning class. I'm going to announce your scores from your exam last week."

And then I felt the excitement. Not because of my score, but because of my classmates' reactions when they hear my high score. I really love it when I hear praises from them like: "You are so smart", "I hope I'm like you.", "You are so perfect."

Someone tapped my back and when I looked back, it was Riri. "Congratulations on advance!" She said then giggled.

I smiled at her and turned my head forward. And then I saw Miss Perry staring at me. Her face looks disappointed. I don't know why but I felt uncomfortable with the way she looks at me.

She walked towards me. "Is there any problem?" She asked.

I looked at her and confusion was all over my face. I don't even understand what she was talking about. "I can't understand Miss, there is no problem in here."

She handed me my test paper. "If there is no problem, why did this happen?"

I grabbed my test paper and I was shocked when I saw my score.

20 over 100?!

No! It can't be. I studied hard for this. And I know I answered all the questions correctly! I always get the perfect score! This can't be happening! I stood up "This is impossible Miss. I studied hard for this!"

I can feel the stares from my classmates. I don't care! I will do what I want!

I looked at my test paper again. And I saw something, ERASURES! I'm sure someone changed my name. It is not even my handwriting! There is someone here who wants to put me down. I won't let this happen! What would my parents say? Or worst, what would other people say?

Then I remembered Brenda who bumped me last week. The one who I saw inside the faculty room. I looked around the classroom and then I saw her sitting at the back. I looked at her and she avoided my eyes, She looks nervous.

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