Jeff Atkins

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"How the hell am I supposed to ask her out? She's head cheerleader

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"How the hell am I supposed to ask her out? She's head cheerleader. Why would she want to date some baseball nobody?" Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Dude, if you like her that much, I'm sure she's a good person. Everyone loves (Y/N), she's like a little puppy dog, she couldn't hurt a fly. And I'm sure she's not all about popularity levels and shit, she talks to me on a daily basis, and she's a senior. And even if she was about popularity, you're Jeff Atkins, star baseball player of Liberty High, how could she not like you?" Clay gave an extremely long speech to encourage his best friend to ask his interest out on a date.

"You're right, you're totally right. . .but. . .what if she does turn me down? Ugh, just thinking about her gives me mad butterflies." His hands were sweaty. "You know what? I'm going to do it. Clay, if this works out, I may not need a tutor anymore. . ."

"It's alright buddy, I'll still be here when you need me." He patted his friend's back and walked off. Jeff sat there until he finally shot straight up and took in a deep breath. He knew she was in the gym, because he overheard from the football team that the cheerleaders had a really late practice session tonight for their big game tomorrow. He headed for the gym and his breath hitched in his throat as he saw her.

She was instructing other girls, but she just looked so gorgeous while doing so. She saw a figure out of the corner of her eye and blushed as she saw him. She continued instructing none the less.

"Keep that form just like that, Sher. You're doing amazing, Jess. Try a double back handspring tuck on the mat, Brit! I'll be right back, girls." Words were racing in Jeff's head as he tried to think what he was going to say to the girl.

"Hey, uh, hi. . .um-" Were the only words that fell out.

"Hey, Jeff." Her sweet smile almost caused his knees to give in. Any other day, they would have, but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"You know my na-me?" His voice cracked and his eyes shut immediately after. "My voice hasn't cracked since I was thirteen, that was embarrassing beyond repair." She giggled in the cutest way, Jeff's neck turned red.

"It's cute. . ." She smiled, and it boosted up his confidence. "Of course I know your name."

"I want to take you out on a date." He blurted out and expected an obnoxious laugh. He imagined her to be so astonished as to why a loser would dare to ask her out. But all he received was a smile and a lip bite in the process.

"The Jeffrey Atkins wants to take me on a date? But you could have any girl you want. . .why me?" She leaned on the frame of the door.

"I like you." He realised what he said a few seconds after it blurted out of his mouth. She was smiling widely at his words. "I just said that. Oh my God."

"I'd love to go out with you." She kissed his cheek, which was somewhat difficult, because he was a lot taller than she was. But it did the trick, because she could notice his red face as she walked back to her cheerleaders.

"She just kissed me. Oh my God."

I'm in love with Jeff Atkins, he's a beautiful human being. He's so cute oml. I'm thinking of making a book for him, but idk. Ugh I hope you liked this one.

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