How She Found Love

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HIIIIIIII EVERYONE OMIGOSHHHHH ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'M ACTIVEEE!!!!! Like for a year or so? Well, that doesn't matter, seeing how I'm not well-known and I just LOVEEEE to read, not write. Honestly I don't even know why I wrote my first story in the first place, and its been hanging there since the last time i logged in, which is like more than a year ago. Okayy I'm gonna stop the blabbering now, although you'll see more of me in the next few chapters, heck no, in the whole book! *grins evilly* Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Though on a second note, I'm PRETTY sure you wouldn't want to read my first book. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna continue it!



Name: Snow White

Age: 24

Personality: Considered as a shy, quiet girl in front of those who don't know her well, but considered a madwoman by her best friends. (I LOVE Bi-Polar personalities, and I am one myself, so you're stuck with it!)

Likes: Animes, mangas, cloud watching and star gazing. And soft toys. And quietness. Some of her favourite animes include Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail and Katekyo Hitman Reborn. (I just had to throw the last one in. It was the anime that brought me into the otaku world, after all.)

Dislikes: People who tries to socialise with her because of her family (which is almost everyone), being bullied (which includes name-calling), and the time she has to wait for the newest episode of animes to come out (which is about a week for most animes if you're curious).

Background information: She is the youngest child in the family, and has two older sisters and two older brothers. Her family, the White family, is one of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are known by others for being kind and compassionate (donations, sponsors, yada yada). HOWEVER, the real side of the story is, Snow is adopted, and Mrs. White, a.k.a. her adoptive mother, dislikes Snow, and torture (yes, you read right, torture) her whenever there's a chance, while appearing to the world and the media as a loving and caring mother for all 5 children. The father and siblings isn't that different either, treating Snow like trash. However, we'll get more of that later..

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