Chapter 9: The Land of Waves (3)

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-Yukina POV-

"Sensei! Wake up! Sasuke-kun and Naruto are injured! You have to heal them!" A shrilling voice exclaimed, waking me from my slumber. I turned my back towards the sound, and faced Kakashi.

"Like hell I'm going to get up this early just for two boys who don't know how to take care of themselves," I muttered, and hugged Kakashi, trying to show Sakura that I'm still asleep.

"Mah, don't be so mean, love. It's already 8am, and I think that if you continue to stay in bed she'll come over and drag you out," Kakashi said amusedly, and stroke my hair with one hand.

"Yukina-sensei! If you don't wake up I'm going to drag you up!" Sakura said, just as Kakashi predicted.

"I dare you to. Kakashi's half-naked," I replied without bothering to turn back, and this earned a squeal from Sakura, and a light smack from Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei! Help me get her up!" Sakura then turned her attention to Kakashi. "They're already unconscious in the forest!"

"Fine I'm up! But are you sure that they're unconscious? And not sleepy from the training last night without sleeping?" I got up unwillingly. If I didn't I'll be nagged until I did. Then, I got dressed properly, with the jacket and hitai-ate. "Where are they?" I asked Sakura, then she started blabbering about how much the two of them trained last night. "Nevermind I'll find them myself," I muttered, and concentrated on finding their chakra. Then, I found them and teleported there, to find Haku standing over Naruto with a kunai in his hand.

I immediately released my killing intent. "What are you going to do, Haku-kun? I believe that my Genins are harmless towards you and Zabuza." He seemed startled at both my voice and my killing intent, and he jumped to one side. I then walked in front of the two boys, shielding them from Haku. The boys then woke up with a shudder.

"I thought that you could see that I can kill Zabuza easily, Haku. Now let me ask you again. What are you going to do to Naruto, if I didn't arrive?" Large thunderclouds formed by the time I finished speaking, and they crackled menancingly.

"There's a mushroom beside the yellow haired boy. I thought that I could use it to cook soup for Zabuza-sama," Haku replied, and I swept my hand over the area that he said. A mushroom then rose up from beside Naruto. I examined the mushroom with a raised eyebrow.

"Yukina-nee-chan, maybe he's right.." Naruto said from behind. I then released the thunderclouds and threw the mushroom towards Haku.

"You can go back now, Haku. I didn't know that you hate Zabuza so much that you want to poison him with this poison mushroom," I said and turned to the boys. "As for the two of you.. How troublesome." I grabbed them and teleported back to Tazuna's house.

Kakashi was waiting in the living room. "What happened, he asked worriedly, having sensed my chakra just now.

"Haku wanted to make poison mushroom soup for Zabuza with the mushroom beside Naruto just now," I snorted, and threw both boys on the sofa. Sakura then started to protest about how I treat 'patients' and I snapped. "Sakura. It is very unwise to piss off a medical ninja, as he or she have many ways to make the patient suffer while healing the patient at the same time." She then finally shut up and stood to the side of the sofa.

After I finished healing the both of them, I shouted, "Taguya-kun, pressure point me. The voices are getting louder, and I can't hold back anymore." Taguya-kun then appeared behind me and knocked me out. I could faintly hear Kakashi shouting before I blacked out.


-Kakashi POV-

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I swore as Taguya hit Yukina on her neck, and she fainted.

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