Chapter 10: The Chunin Exam (1)

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I changed a bit of Chapters 8 and 9. The changes for Chapter 8 is because I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with the cell phone in Naruto. My story plan afterwards doesn't require a cell phone, so keeping one will just get in the way.

And the changes for Chapter 9 is because of the fucking split personality. It was a dumb idea of mine to put it in the story in the first place, and I just realise that I'm going to have trouble fitting an alter ego into the story. I mean, she definitely has to pop out frequently, but that will slow down the storyline progress. So I decided to erase the split personality part, but the depression remains. It's easier to write about depression than an alter ego, and the depression will appear at unsuspecting places.


-Yukina POV-

There's still some time before the meeting, so I wandered around the village. "Ojou-sama, you do realise that the Hokage's gonna talk about the Chunin Exams, don't you? And this will mean that Gaara's here already," Taguya-kun said, and I put him on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Lets go find him before his brother hurts Konohamaru. I like that little guy. He's a good companion for Naruto," I said, and sensed for naruto's chakra signature. "Shit too late!" I exclaimed and teleported there immediately.

I arrived and saw Kankuro holding Konohamaru on his neck. "You're from Suna, to participate in the Chunin Exams, aren't you?" I narrowed my eyes and walked towards him slowly. "Are you going to let him down right now, or do I, a Jonin from Konagakure, have to make you? Oh right, I must warn you, this might turn into a conflict between Konaha and Suna. Choose." My voice was icy when I finished speaking.

Kankuro gulped and let Konohamaru down. Temari then apologised to me. "I'm sorry for my brother's rash behaviour. We come in peace, to attend the Chunin Exam as you have said. We're sorry if we hurt him."

"Gaara, you can come out from the tree now. Sasuke you too." I said without looking up. They both jumped down, and Temari and Kankuro cowered in their brother's presence.

"I'm off to train," Sasuke said, and gave me a questioning look before he went off.

"I'm borrowing him for a while," I said, and moved behind Gaara. Then I grabbed him and did the teleportation jutsu. "Nice to meet you, Gaara-kun. I'm Yukina." I said when we arrived at an unused training ground.

"What do you want with me. Kill. I want to kill you." His personality suddenly switched and attacked me.

"How troublesome. Seems like you need a spanking, Gaara-kun." I dodged his sand, and went behind him again. Then I grabbed him and laid him backside up, and spanked him. Hard.

"Wha.. Why isn't the sand doing anything?! St.. Stop! It hurts!" Gaara cried out when I hit him on his bottom for a few times. I spanked him some more, until he whimpered. Then I stopped.

"Now, that's better. Nothing like a good spanking to keep children under control," I announced cheerfully. "Like I've told you just now, my name is Yukina, but you will address me as Yukina-nee-chan. I know that you are the junchuriki of the Ichibi, Shukaku, and I also know that your father, the Kazekage, tried to kill you. Anymore questions?" His killing intent rose and I spanked him again.

"As for the business I want with you.. I just wanna be your older sister, because you're cute. Such a tsundere." He stiffened at my words.

"You want to be my.. older sister?" he asked unbelievingly.

"Yupp. I wanna love you as an older sister. Oh this might sting just a little. Bear with it for a while," I confirmed and started healing his backside. He started squirming under the healing chakra, but I held him still. "Don't move. I can't heal you properly if you move." He finally stopped squirming, and I concentrated on healing him. "There. All done. Sorry 'bout that. You wouldn't listen to me," I apologised sheepishly, and stood up.

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