Chapter 4: Yukina's Test and the Scroll of Seals

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-Yukina POV-

When I opened my eyes, I found out that I'm not on the tree anymore. I was in a dark area, but I could see myself clearly. "Hello? Anyone here?" I said, my voice echoing around.

"So you are finally here.. You can finally hear me.." A figure appeared in front of me. He was walking slowly towards me, but he was shrouded in mist. I strained my eyes to get a good look at the person, and suddenly, the mist lifted, and I was staring at a masked samurai.

The person turned out to be a masked samurai in full-body armour. He has long, dark brown hair tied with a silver ribbon and wears a golden forehead plate that resembles a half-cherry blossom and has blue eyes. He strangly reminds me of someone from an anime.. Then my eyes widened. Holy shit! Could this guy be Senbonzakura?!

"Listen carefully girl.. I will only say my name once. My name is Senbonzakura, and you are my master." The masked samurai, no, Senbonzakura said to me, and I froze. My brain then started to process what he had said. Senbonzakura?! Byakuya's zanpakutō?! What the hell?! I thought I'm in the Naruto world?!?!

"I see that you are confused, girl. To put it simply, Senbonzakura was split into two parts, one part Yin and one part Yang. Byakuya holds the Yang part, while you hold the Yin part, which is me. Both of us go by the name 'Senbonzakura', because both of us didn't want to change names." Senbozakura sighed and explained to me patiently.

"Oh okay. So I just use you in the same way as Byakuya? No wait I'm sorry. So I just cooperate with you in the same way as Byakuya?" I asked him, remembering that zanpakutōs are to be addressed and treated as companions.

"Yeah, that's about it." Senbonzakura said, then he added after a few seconds with a wink, "and I can appear in your world to help you, if you're powerful enough."

"Okie dokie. How do I go back to my world now? I have a 'test' tomorrow morning," I asked him again, surprisingly taking this information well.

"That's simple. You just need to focus on your body. See you next time, then," Senbonzakura said, and I appeared back on the same tree branch, hugging my katana.

"Holy it's already 8am?! How did time pass so fast?!" I took one look at the sky and swore. "Well, I guess the Hokage wouldn't mind waiting for a while. I'm going to get breakfast, then I'm going to meet the old geezer," I smiled to myself, and unknowingly used Naruto's nickname for the Hokage. "And I shall have ramen for breakfast," I declared to no one in particular. And I left Training Ground 3 in search of Ichiraku Ramen. But before that, I stored Senbonzaukra back into the unknown space.

When I found the place, it was already 8.30-ish. And obviously, I saw Naruto sitting there. With Iruka. "Ohayou Naruto-kun!" I said, and ordered, "one miso ramen please!"

"Hiya Yukina-nee-chan! You're up early!" Naruto greeted me, then went back to his ramen. Iruka then smacked him on the head, and I chuckled. "Itai! What did you do that, Iruka-sensei!" Naruto whined while holding his head.

"Err Iruka-san is it? Don't go too hard on him, he's just a child," I smiled fondly at Naruto and talked to Iruka. "I'm Yukina by the way, nice to meet you." I held out a hand for him to shake.

"Ah yes.. Nice to meet you too. Naruto told me about you helping him just now," Irkua said, and shaked my hand.

I made a face. "Ughh don't remind me about it." And then my ramen came. After I finished eating, Naruto was on his god knows how much bowl of ramen. I paid (I took some money secretly from Kakashi yesterday) and stood up to leave. "Err Iruka-san, I know that I'm not in the position to say this, but be careful of Mizuki. He's not what he appears to be." I hesitated, and told Iruka. Hopefully he would listen to my advice, although I don't think that it's possible. And I left for the Hokage tower.

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