Chapter 7: The Land of Waves (1)

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-Yukina POV-

"This is Sasuke, arrived at Point B."

"This is Sakura, arrived at Point C."

"This is Naruto, arrived at Point A."

 "You're slow, Naruto," Kakashi said over the transmitter. "Okay. Team 7.. The target has moved! After it!"

"Oh, you guys looking for this?" I said to the transmitter, as I patter the cat laying in my arms.

"Ah Yukina-nee-chan! You're late! Later than Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed as he jumped out from his hiding place to inspect the cat.

"Woah careful there, Naruto-kun. His chakra scares it, you know. And practically all animals. You will get scratches if you want to handle it," I said and lifted the cat just out of his reach. And sure enough, the cat started struggling the moment Naruto came near. Naruto walked away, sulking.

"There's a ribbon on its right ear. It's our target Tora. 'Operation Capture Tora the Lost Pet' complete," Kakashi said after confirming the cat's appearance.

"You still haven't answer my question, Yukina-nee-chan. Why are you late?" Naruto asked persistently. Then the rest of Team 7 turned to look at me.

"Mah.. I got lost on the path of life," I replied them seriously, using one of Kakashi's normal reasons, earning a chuckle from Kakashi and stares from the trio. "Lets go hand in the cat now," I said, uncomfortable under their stares.

- At the Hokage Tower-

"Ohh, my cute Tora-chan. I was so worried about you!" Madam Shijimi said while rubbing her face against the cat, while the cat tried to escape from her.

"I could see why the cat wanted to escape in the first place," I muttered just loud enough for Kakashi to hear, and he gave me a closed-eye smile.

"Now then, Team 7's next mission is.. Babysitting Yojyu-sama's boy. Grocering shopping at the neighbouring town. Helping dig up potatoes at.." the Hokage said, and Naruto cut him off.

"No! no thanks to all of those! I want to do a more exciting mission! Choose something else!" Naruto exclaimed, while physically showing that he didn't want any of those missions. I rubbed my temples. I think I know what's coming up next..

"You idiot! You're still a novice ninja! Everyone needs to start with the easy missions to gain experience!" Iruka shouted at Naruto.

"But.. But..! We've only been doing dumb missions lately!" Naruto protested, and Kakashi hit him on the head.

"Mah no need for violence, Kakashi. Naruto's right though, Hokage-sama. I mean, we have two Jonins on this team, so we could go for a C-ranked mission, at least," I stopped Kakashi before he could use anymore violence on Naruto and spoke to the Hokage, knowing who's waiting outside the doors.

The Hokage thought for a while, then spoke, "you have a point, Yukina. I will allow your team to take on a C-ranked mission. It is to escort a certain person. I'll introduce him now. Can you please come in now?" He sopke the last sentence to the door, and I smelt alcohol.

"What? They're all kids!" the person drank somemore wine from his bottle and was about to continue, and I shot two shurikens at him, pinning him to the wall. Iruka started protesting about the way I treated the client, but I ignored him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tazuna-san. However, I would advice you to not judge other people quickly, especially if you're drinking." Then I appeared in front of him and whispered into his ear. "I know about your.. little 'problem' with Gatō. Be thankful that my team is willing to accept this B-ranked mission as a C-ranked one." Then I smiled sweetly and pulled out the shurikens holding him. He seemed to sober up after I mentioned Gatō, and finally shut up about his nonsense.

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