Chapter 1: Ohmygod

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-Snow POV-

I woke up a few seconds later, with someone grabbing my shoulders and shaking them violently. I mumbled something and then strained to open my eyes.

"Miss, are you alright?" A pair of light blue eyes stared at me worriedly, while STILL shaking me continuously.

"Ughhhhhh stop shaking me!! I'm alright!" I cried out, and the blond seemed scared at my sudden outburst. Wait, blonde? I calmed my nauseous stomach (from the shaking) and studied the boy.

He looked young, maybe around 11 or 12? And he has tanned skin, and light blond hair which stick out at all angles. And a pair of green goggles hung on his forehead, where the hitai-ate is supposed to be. His face has 3 whisker-liked marks on both sides of his cheek, and his eyes were like blue orbs, as they stared curiously into mine.

I tried to process what I saw. This boy looked EXACTLY like Uzumaki Naruto! I then looked around us. It looks like we are in a forest, apparently. Wait, goggles.. So does it mean that Naruto hasn't gotten his genin qualifications yet? And forest.. OMIGOD. If I'm not wrong, I'm in the first episode of Naruto!

"Ano.. Are you alright, miss?" he grinned sheepishly at me, while putting a hand up his head to scratch his hair. Maybe from embarrassment. Because I was staring at him. My brain then slowly, and finally started functioning.

"Y.. Yeah I'm alright, thanks for the concern," I smiled at Naruto, who beamed at my words, forgetting about his embarrassment immediately. I smiled as Naruto began to babble, and suddenly his face turn into sheepishness. "What's wrong, Naruto-kun?" I asked him, puzzled at his sudden reaction.

"Ano.. You see.. I am hiding from the ninjas in my village.." he said, grinning sheepishly. After seeing my still puzzled expression (just an act to get him to spill the beans, of course) he elaborated. "Ano.. I.. I scribbled on the Hokage's face monument in my village.. And the Hokage and ninjas are not happy about it.. So they're trying to find me to punish me.." He stammered while looking to the ground, not daring to look at me.

"Why did you do that, Naruto-kun?" I asked him gently, knowing that he's afraid that I'll reprimand him too. He looked up, startled at my reaction. I then beaconed for him to come closer, and pulled to make him sit down next to me. He seemed puzzled at my actions, forgetting that I asked him a question. I grinned inwardly to myself. You go, girl!

"Ano.. I just want them to notice me, to acknowledge my presence, even if it means getting punished for that.." Naruto pulled his knees into a hug, and looked down, his once-brilliant blue orbs turning into dull, sad ones. I felt a pang in my heart when I see him like this. This child, just wants someone to acknowledge him, even if it means getting into trouble all the time. He gets into trouble so that people would notice him, and that makes him feel wanted.

I turned and hugged him fiercely. Naruto seems surprised by my actions as he struggled to get out of the hug. But there's no way I'm gonna let him do that. So I hugged him tighter. Finally, he seemed to give up, and just let me hug him. Score one! I thought to myself, while grinning inwardly again. Naruto hesitated for a second, then he began to hug me back. Yayyyyyyy!!!!! I'm being hugged by Naruto!!!!!! I thought to myself happily, doing weird dances in my mind.

"Naruto-kun, I think that you should know that I acknowledge you, and that I think that you are the best ninja ever," I whispered in his ears, while still hugging him. Apart from Kakashi, that is, I thought to myself again.

He pulled back from the hug with a gasp. "You really think so?" he asked me, with a hopeful glint in his eyes. I then nodded firmly. He seems ecstatic after hearing my confirmation and I smiled slightly, knowing that I had made him happy.

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