Chapter 6: The Bell Test

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-Yukina POV-

We finally arrived at Training Ground 3 at 10am, 5 hours later than the time Kakashi gave them. "You really like to mess with them, Kakashi," I said, as we walked into the training ground.

"Hi fellows. Good morning," Kakashi ignored me and greeted them.

"YOU'RE BOTH LATE!" the trio screamed at us.

"A black cat passed my path, so.." Kakashi's voice died off, and I know it's my turn to make an excuse.

"So, we tried to get pass it, but I suddenly got hungry and we went for breakfast," I continued, and the trio stared at us unbelievably.

"Well, let's move on.." Kakashi said, and walked to an alarm clock on top of one of the three wooden stumps. "Okay, alarm set at 12 noon."

Kakashi then handed me a bell. "Today's topic is to get one of these bells, either from me or Yukina. Whoever can't will have no lunch. I'm going to tie you there, and eat lunch in front of you." He pointed to the stumps, and the trio sweat dropped. I shrugged and tied the bell to my belt.

"But wait, why are there only two bells?" Sakura, being the smart one, asked.

"Since there's only two, at least one will have to be tied to the log. That person will fail since he failed to complete the mission. The person will go back to the Academy. It might be just one, or all three. You can use your shuriken. You won't be able to get this unless you have the will to kill us."

"But that's too dangerous, sensei!" Sakura said, and I sighed, knowing what Naruto is going to say next.

"Daijoubu yo, Sakura-chan. I know that you are worried about us, but we are both Jonins, so its not really that dangerous for us. And Kakashi's right. You Genins won't really be able to get the bell unless you have the will to kill us."

"We're going to start after I say, 'Ready, start'," Kakashi said, after I finished, and cut off any other arguments that Sakura has.

"We're going to start. Ready, start!" Kakashi said.


-Kakashi POV-

A basic for a ninja is to conceal his presence and hide. Sasuke and Sakura went into hiding after my signal, but Naruto being Naruto, decided to charge head on.

"Let's have a match fair and square!" Naruto announced, and Yukina and I sweat dropped.

"Hey, aren't you a little weird compared to the rest?" I asked.

"What's weird is your hair style!" Naruto retorted, and Yukina was rolling around on the ground, laughing.

"He.. He just called your hair weird!" she laughed somemore, and blocked a kunai. "Here's your first lesson, Sasuke-kun. A ninja needs to be on alert at all times, so don't think that I have let down my guard already." She then stood up and patted her clothes, and watched me and Naruto with a twinkle in her eyes. I sighed and faced Naruto again.

And unsurprisingly, Naruto charged at me. I put my hand into my puch and he stopped, eyeing me wearily. "Ninja tactic know-how number one, taijutsu. I'll teach you that first." After I said that, I pulled out my Icha Icha Paradise from my pouch. I saw Yukina move further away from me, holding her stomach and trying to hold in her laughter.

Naruto seemed startled at my actions, and I said, "what's the matter? Come and get me."

"But, um, um.. Why did you take out a book?" Naruto asked, and Yukina started to shake even harder.

"Why? I got curious as to how the story is going to develop. Don't worry about it. It's the same whether I read this or not." I replied, while reading my book. Naruto seems agitated by my actions, and he began to launch a series of attacks at me, all of which I dodged.

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