Chapter 14: The Chunin Exam (5)

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The front part is a bit boring, bear with it!


-Kakashi POV-

I woke up at 7am, and this is strange because I always wake up at 5. I looked at the woman in my arms, and I knew immediately that she was the cause of my wonderful sleep. She was so beautiful, I still couldn't believe that I'm dating her. I sighed and put those thoughts out of my head. "I'm going now, I'll see you later," I whispered and kissed her lips, wishing that those soft lips of hers would respond. Sadly, they didn't. I sighed again and untangled myself, and went into the kitchen. And as expected, Taguya was in the kitchen, making breakfast. "Help me take care of her when I'm gone, will you? I'll come back soon," I said to the bear, and ate my breakfast slowly, not bothering to hide my face anymore. He's going to see it sooner or later, so why bother?

"So that's how your face looks like.. Yeah I'll take care of ojou-sama, that's my duty as a butler. I guess I have to release her surpressed powers after all, it wouldn't do her any good if it stays sealed up.." The bear took a look at my face, and continued making tea. And I choked on my breakfast.

"You mean that that wasn't her full power?!" I said while coughing, not wanting to believe it. I mean, she's very powerful for a kunoichi already, whaddaya mean she still have some more sealed up powers?!

"Unfortunately and fortunately, yes. Ojou-sama couldn't control her true powers, and her mother created me as a guardian to that power. I knew that there would be a day that I would unseal it, but I never thought that the situation would be like this. Here, I think you might need this," Taguya explained and handed me a cup of tea.

I took the tea and sipped it gratefully. "Okay then. How much time would you need? I'll come back after that.."

"Not much, a few minutes will do. After the seal is undone, ojou-sama might be able to wake up just in time to see the second part of the Chunin Exam. Well even if she doesn't I'll make her. And I think that you should get going now, Kakashi-san. It's going to be 8am soon."

"Holy.." I then quickly wolfed down my breakfast and the tea. Then I went to the bathroom for my daily routine. After that, I went back into my bedroom to change. "I'll be back soon, wait for me, okay?" I whispered and kissed Yukina's forehead, then I went out. "Oh. And Taguya, thank you for last night. I know what to do now." I said to the kitchen, and the water tap came on, signalling that he had heard me. I then went to the bridge, where I always meet my cute Genins. But this time, without Yukina.

"AH! Kakashi-sensei! You're on time!" Naruto and Sakura gaped when I appeared on the bridge, and Sasuke stared at me, before turning his attention to the river.

"Where's Yukina-nee-chan?" Naruto asked, after looking around.

"She.. She went to save my team yesterday, and she got injured. She's resting now, and she should be back in two or three days." I decided to tell the kids the truth.

"Nee-chan got injured?! Can we visit?" Naruto asked immediately, and I sighed.

"Normally I would have said no, seeing that she's staying at my place, but I'm sure you'll just bug me until I agree, or try to follow me home, both of which are troublesome. So yes, you can visit. But only after today's mission." I agreed to his request, knowing that Yukina would be happy if she know that the kids wanted to visit her.

"Okay. What's today's mission, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked, and I could see that she wanted to visit Yukina badly.

"Well, about that.. Hokage-sama said that we should go to the Mission Assignment Desk, he wanted to entrust it to us personally," I said, and Naruto grumbled, but followed us nonetheless. Soon after, we arrived there, and Hokage-sama was waiting for us. "Hokage-sama, what's our team's mission?" I asked, wanting to get this donw quickly so that I could go back to Yukina.

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