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-Snow POV-

I sat cross-legged on my bed, with my laptop on my legs as I looked through pictures of the characters in Naruto. I practically swooned when I got to Kakashi Hatake's pictures. How could someone look so.. perfectly hot? Even with 3/4 of his face covered?

To say the truth, I wasn't really into Naruto in the first place. I just watched Naruto out of curiosity and a few episodes later, BAM. I fell in love with Kakashi and had practically watched the whole series BECAUSE of Kakashi. And yes, I cried when Kakashi nearly died, and I cursed the hell out of Kishimoto for scaring me like this when Kakashi came back to life.

Well, let's go back to the story now. I continued to surf the internet for pictures and quotes for the next 2 or 3 hours when I finally felt contented. While checking the time on my laptop, 3.57am, I stifled a yawn and WAIT WHAT?!?! 3.57am?!?! Dad's gonna kill me for looking groggy-eyed at the meeting session tomorrow! I thought alarmingly, my sleepiness seemed to have left me for the moment.

Oh yes, I believe I haven't mentioned this, but I'm engaged to this particular man (I highly doubt that he's a man) from the Matsumoto family. Of course, this being made possible since both my elder sisters are already married due to his political needs, so there's no choice (this too, I highly doubt) but to marry me off to this Matsumoto guy to strengthen his status and relationships in Japan. And if you haven't notice by now, this 'he' that I'm referring to is my 'caring' father.

Not that I mind being use as a tool, seeing that the family he sought IS a Japanese family, and that I am an otaku. (Yes I WOULD mind if I'm being married off to some other families which aren't Japanese, not that he cares though)

Anyway back to the topic, again. I was supposed to meet this Matsumoto guy for an arranged date just a few hours later and I haven't even slept yet. God knows what will happen to me if I turn up at the date groggy-eyed, which will probably ruin the chance of the arranged marriage if the guy thinks that I'm not interested or something. And this will definitely piss my father *rolls eyes* off, and I would probably be succumbed to more punishment since I 'can't even keep my life in order' (the real reason being that I spoiled his chance of strengthening his influence in Japan.)

Ahem ahem, back, AGAIN. I put my laptop back on my desk and went back to my bed, thinking furiously for excuses to give when I'm on my supposed 'date' with the Matsumoto guy to cover up for my sleepiness. But when my head hit the pillow, I didn't give it another thought as I drifted slowly to Slumberland.



I stared in wonder at the furnishings of the place, taking in everything slowly as my eyes glided over everything, stopping at the sight of a stuffed teddy bear. He is brown in colour, and wore a tiny tuxedo. He then turned around and face me, acknowledging my presence.

"Welcome back, ojou-sama, how's your day?" the bear asked me, while elegantly preparing tea.

"Oh you know, just the usual, surfing the internet and stuff like that," I replied the bear, and sat down near the table. I was wearing a white dress, with matching shoes and gloves. The bear passed me the cup of tea that he made, and we both sipped it in silence, me enjoying the flavour of the tea.

When we were finished with our tea, the bear took the teacups and went to wash it. I finally squealed at how CUTE and ADORABLE he was (I was trying so hard to hold it in before) and I just couldn't resist hugging him. Tightly.

"O.. Ojou-sama.. Could you let go? I can't breathe!" The bear exclaimed weakly, while still being in my super tight hug.

"But.. But you are so CUTE and ADORABLE Taguya-kun!! I can't resist the cuteness radiating off you!" I squealed again, hugging him tightly while spinning around in circles, a slight blush to my cheeks due to the adrenaline from spinning.

"For heavens sake stop spinning around ojou-sama! I feel like puking out my tea!" Taguya-kun said, a bit green in the face (I don't know how I manage to know that, judging that Taguya-kun is a brown teddy bear)

"Sorry.." I said sheepishly, while putting the green-faced teddy bear back on the ground. He started walking in circles, maybe still dizzy from the spins, and I laughed at it for a few minutes.

"Oh Taguya-kun I didn't know that you are so easy to deal with," I said, after wiping the tears away from my eyes. My sides are aching from laughing for so long. he muttered something too low for me to catch, then went back to washing the teacups, with his back facing me.

"What did you say just now, Taguya-kun? I couldn't hear you~" I smiled sweetly at the bear's back. It shivered instantly, and I knew my charm's working (more like threat, but who cares).

"I.. It's nothing, ojou-sama," Taguya-kun said quickly, to my surprise. I was going to press him for more when he asked me a weird question. "Do you feel like you belong in this world, ojou-sama?"

I was silent for a few seconds, and then I laughed. "What do YOU think, Taguya-kun? My father only remembered me when he wants something from me, my mother hates me like I've murdered her child or something, and my older siblings treat me like trash. So OF COURSE I will NEVER feel like I belong in this world, seeing that I don't mean anything to anyone here."

"I just hope that I could find some place where I truly belong," I added a few seconds later, smiling sadly as the words left my lips.

"We shall see, ojou-sama. We shall see," after saying that, Taguya-kun turned around and smiled at me.

I scoffed and was preparing a comeback when everything blacked out. I wanted to scream but no voice came out. And suddenly, I feel like I'm falling. The sensation's a bit like when you dream that you fell off a cliff, with the wind rushing towards your face and stuff. The only difference is that I could see nothing but total darkness, otherwise known as black. After a while, I passed out, from the fear that I was gonna die, if I keep falling like this. (I mean, imagine the HEIGHT that you fell from if you're falling for a long time man!)

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