Chapter 12: The Chunin Exam (3)

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This chapter has nothing to do with the Chunin Exam, this was set up so that I could get the Sand Siblings (Temari, Kankuro, Gaara) to be friends with Yukina's team, so that my plan for the Chunin Exam Arc will actually work.


-Yukina POV-

"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's 8am already, we're going to be late," I said to Sasuke, and he rubbed his eyes.

"Wait. IT'S ALREADY 8?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER!" He shot up from his bed immediately, and groaned from the hangover.

"Well, you have a hangover, so I thought that you should sleep longer. Come here and eat breakfast, while I heal you." I shrugged and got him to the kitchen, and healed him while he eat. "Feeling better?" I asked after he finished eating, and he nodded. "Then we better get going now. Naruto and Sakura would probably scream their heads off if we're any later. Now then, which excuse should I use today..?" I said and murmured the last sentence to myself as Sasuke locked the door.

He rolled his eyes and began to run to the bridge, but I grabbed him. "Nah that's too slow. We're going my way." I said and did the teleportation jutsu, and we appeared at the end of the bridge, with Naruto and Sakura waiting impatiently. "Yo. Sorry we're late," I waved to them and let go of Sasuke.

"Sensei! Why are you late! And with Sasuke-kun too!" Sakura exclaimed immediately, and Naruto nodded. Sasuke shrugged and the two of them looked at me, demanding an explanation.

"Mah, I got drunk last night, and poor Sasuke here has to take care of me, which I'm sure is a difficult thing to do. Also, I got a bloody hangover this morning, so we're late," I half-lied, switching Sasuke and me. Sasuke then looked at the river and muttered something under his breath. Both Naruto and Sakura seemed unconvinced at my explanation, and I quickly switched the topic. "Oh, by the way, can I stay at either of your houses today? Kaka-baka didn't give me the key, so I'm stuck outside until he comes back."

"Yukina-nee-chan you can stay with me!" Naruto volunteered immediately, but Sakura rejected immediately.

"Naruto, when was the last time you cleaned your house? You expect Yukina-sensei to stay with you in that dirty house of yours?!"

"Ah, I don't mind actually. I could help him clean his house while I'm staying there," I said and Sakura stared unbelievably at me. "What? He's my nephew after all. And I think his house really need a cleaning job, or we'll be seeing him in the hospital next."

Naruto then started protesting about the cleanliness of his house, which we all ignored. "I'll help," Sasuke said suddenly, and we turned and looked at him. He then blushed a bit. "I'll help with the house cleaning.."

"Huh?! Sasuke teme, is there something wrong with you today? You're offering to help me?!" Naruto shrieked, and Sakura looked shocked as well.

"Shush, Naruto. He's just trying to be nice to you, for once. Appreciate his effort, and stop trying to pick a fight every time you talk to him. It's really annoying sometimes." I sighed and messed up Naruto's hair. "Okay, back to the main topic then. Our mission today would be to.. guide the Kazekage's children around Konoha. Wait, what?! What kind of bloody mission is that?!" I told the team the information I got from my kage bunshin, and realised what I just said afterwards.

"Guide the Kazekage's children around Konoha? That should be an easy mission, Yukina-sensei. Why did you swear?" Sakura asked curiously, and I made a weird face.

"The current Kazekage has three children. From birth order, they are Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara." I watched as their faces turned into interesting colours.

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