Chapter 16: The Chunin Exam (7)

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-Sakura POV-

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I am the examiner of the first test of the Chunin Selection Exam, Morino Ibiki." The guy in front of all the ninjas at the front of the classroom said.

"EH?! WA.. WATASHI?!" A loud scream suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and everyone looked surprised, including the examiners.

"That sounds like Yukina-nee-chan. I wonder what happened to her." Naruto commented and looked out of the window.

"You three from Otogakure, don't think you can do anything you want before the exam. Do you want us to fail you already?" The examiner, Ibiki, pointed to the three Oto ninjas in front of us.

"I'm sorry. I was excited, since this is my first exam." The ninja with most of his face covered replied.

Ibiki then smiled. "This is a good chance to say this. You are not allowed to fight each other during the exam unless given permission by the examiners. Even if the permission is given, you are not allowed to kill each other. Pigs who go against me will fail immediately. Understood?"

"This exam seems so soft and easy." The other Oto ninja said, and the ninjas behind Ibiki sniggered.

"We will now begin the first exam of the Chunin Selection Exam. Turn in your applications, take one of these number tags, and sit where the number tells you to. Then we will pass out the papers for the written exam."

"Written..? Papers..? Paper..? A paper test?!" Naruto squealed beside me, looking a bit green in the face.

"Naruto. Remember what Yukina-sensei said just now. For this test, we just have to stick to what we believe in." I whispered, not wanting the other ninjas to hear me. Sure, they're my friends, but sensei's instruction is more important.

"I.. I got it.." Naruto gulped, and we went to hand in our application forms.


-Naruto POV-

Everyone I know got separated from each other. What should I do..? Sakura-chan also said the same thing as Yukina-nee-chan, to stick to what we believe in.. What does that mean anyway?! I laid down on the table and ruffled my hair. This is the worst type of exam that could happen to me..

"Naruto-kun.." The person on my right said softly. I got up and looked at her.

"You're Hinata, right? When did you..?" I asked, surprised.

"Let's do out best.." She said and smiled at me.

"Sure." I replied. I didn't notice at all. She needs to talk more.

The examiner, Ibiki, then hit one piece of chalk against the blackboard to get our attention. "This First Exam has a few important rules. I will not accept any questions, so listen carefully." Rules? Won't accept any questions? Ibiki then started writing on the board.

"First rule is you all are given 10 points at the start. The written exm consists of 10 questions, and each is worth one point. This test is a deduction base test. If you get one problem wrong, you will get one point deducted. If you get three problems wrong, your points will be reduced to 7." If I get 10 wrong, I get a 0.

"Second rule, the pass-fail decision will be determined by your team's total points." SHIT. Sakura-chan's going to kill me. With that thought, I banged my head against the table. "Third rule, if an examiner determines that you cheated or do something similar during the test.. Each action will cause you to lose two points. In other words, there will be people who will be forced to leave this place without their tests being graded." So there's a way to lose points beside getting the written problems wrong.. "Those who try to cheat without thinking carefully will only hurt themselves."

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