Chapter 2: Kakashi's View

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This chapter is almost the same as Chapter 1, just that I had made some minor changes here and there, and as you can see from the title, this chapter is from Kakashi's point of view.


-Kakashi POV-

It's just another peaceful day in Konohagakure. Or maybe not. I was wandering around the village when I noticed an unfamiliar chakra walking together with Naruto. Normally I wouldn't care about strangers, but this person is with my sensei's son, and they're heading towards the Hokage tower. Curiosity got the better of me and I followed them, making sure that they couldn't discover me.

I reached the Hokage tower and saw them sneak pass the stationary guards. The person, being a she, muttered something under her breath as she looked disapprovingly at the guards before pulling Naruto along with her. I would say that I'm impressed, as it would take at least a chunin to get past those guards alone, and she even has Naruto with her.

I followed her into the tower, and saw that she snuck past the ANBU guards. Now that's alarming. What if she's a ninja from other village that is sent here to assassinate Hokage-sama? I was prepared to take her down when I realised, she was doing this unconsciously. And again, with Naruto.

Well, I thought dryly, at least I know that there are still flaws and loopholes in the positioning of ANBU guards in the Hokage tower which could be improved, and Hokage-sama would be interested to know this. I signalled for a nearby ANBU to report to the Hokage, that he has 2 'guests' coming.

I reached the office just as Naruto left. I snuck in quietly, before the door closed, and leaned against the wall, listening to the conversation between Hokage-sama and the kunoichi.

"I wish to register as a shinobi of this village," the young lady said. Hokage-sama took out a form and started asking her the standard questions.

After a few questions, Hokage-sama asked, "your rank?"

"Uhmmmm I don't have one yet?" the lady replied. My sharingan eye almost opened due to shock. So she's not a kunoichi. Yet.

Hokage-sama's eyes widened. "Then how did you manage to get Naruto to come here? And evade my guards at the same time?"

The lady growled. "Just because I'm not a ninja doesn't mean that I'm weak, ya know." My normal eye widened at this statement. Feisty. I know that the guards that Hokage-sama talked about were the ANBU ones, and not the stationary ones, as they only knew of her presence AFTER I asked one of them to inform Hokage-sama.

Hokage-sama then decided to ask her another question. "Do you have relatives or friends that you can stay with while you're here?"

"Nope. None. Ditty doo." The woman replied, and began humming a song. Hokage-sama gave her a weird look while I looked at her disapprovingly. How could she be so.. informal in front of the Hokage? Sure I'm not a big fan of rules but still, I have my basic courtesy and manners.

"Then where will you stay?" Hokage-sama asked.

"Hmmmmmm I don't know, maybe a tree or something? Since I don't have any money at all," the lady replied.

Hokage-sama thten gave her a skeptical look. "Are you sure? Because I could arrange for you to stay with someone," Hokage-sama said, while glancing briefly to me. I groaned mentally. Just what have I gotten myself into? Not a lot of people know where my house is, not even Gai, and Hokage-sama want MEout of all people to house her!

The woman replied a few seconds later, "I'd rather not, thanks for the offer though. I would be too much of a nuisance to other people." Hokage-sama then looked at me, and I gave up with a mental sigh.

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