Chapter 13: The Chunin Exam (4)

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-Kakashi POV-

"I wanna go back to Konoha.. Who knows what she would have done to my books.." I muttered, with Taguya on my shoulder. Our team was hurrying to Sunagakure, for the safety of the Yondaime Kazakage. Today was the second day we left Konoha, and it was getting really boring.

"If I remember correctly, Kakaashi-san, you didn't give ojou-sama the key to your house," Taguya said as he tightened his grip on my vest.

"SHIT!" I exclaimed, and Asuma and Kurenai looked behind.

"She's gonna kill me now, I know it.." I moaned, and Kurenai sniggered.

"Serves you right, Kakashi. You really need someone to maintain your life, and I think that Yukina-chan would be the perfect person. Just look at how scared you are of her."

"I can communicate telepathically with ojou-sama. She told me that she was staying at Sasuke-kun's yesterday night. And that he is very cute when he's asleep," Taguya said, and I growled unhappily. Kurenai then decided to laugh at me again.

"Oh, and she also said that she will be staying at Naruto's today, seeing that a certain someone has forgotten to give her keys," Taguya continued, ignoring my reactions. I growled again.

"Why isn't she staying with Sakura?" I asked the bear, unhappy at Yukina's choice of room mates.

"Aww Kakashi's jealous!" Kurenai exclaimed and my face reddened. A few chuckles were heard from the ANBU team that has come with us, and they aren't making the situation better.

"Shush, Kurenai. Don't say it out loud. We just have to tell Yukina when we go back," Asuma said with a grin on his face. Kurenai giggled and agreed.

"I hate you guys.." I muttered, earning more giggles from Kurenai and a laugh from Asuma.

"Ojou-sama didn't have any choice yesterday, she had to stop the Uchiha from doing anything reckless. And she got drunk last night. As for today.. Ojou-sama said that Naruto-kun's house need to be cleaned," Taguya replied my question, still hanging on for dear life.

"WAit WHAT?! She got drunk last night?! Did Sasuke do anything to her?" I asked immediately, choosing to ignore the first part of his answer.

"You think everyone's like you, Kakashi? That kid is just 12! Honestly those books have corrupted your mind, I could see why Yukina-chan always tries to burn them now," Kurenai tutted, and I could feel my face turn red again from embarrassment.

"Shut up. I hate you." I growled, and proceeded to ignore Asuma and Kurenai. It can get very annoying if I chose to say anything more.

A few hours later, we saw some dead bodies lying around, and I checked their hitai-ate. "These are Suna ninjas," I confirmed. "The Kazakage should be nearby. Split up into two-man team and search for him, or any other survivors," I ordered, as Hokage-sama had put me in charge of this mission. The rest of the team nodded and went off to search.

I summoned Pakkun, hoping that his keen sense of smell could help with the search. "Yo, Kakashi. What is it this time? Hoh, you got a nice looking friend there," Pakkun said immediately when he appeared.

"Hello, my name is Taguya. I'm.. err.. ojou-sama's summon?" Taguya said, unsure of his relation with Yukina. Pakkun then looked like he was going to ask more, but I cut him off. This will take all day if I let him ask what he wants..

"Pakkun, I need you to look for any survivors here. Hopefully the Kazakage, but I don't think you know how he smells like. And you can ask the questions later, we're on a mission," I sighed and said. Pakkun's nosiness can be really annoying at times.

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