Chapter 3: Kakashi's House

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Okayy since the name of our OC switched from Snow to Yukina, I will be referring to her POV as '-Yukina POV-' now.

And I changed the OC's name from Yuki to Yukina, simply because I think that Yukina sounds better. XP

And I made up the characters in the Icha Icha Paradise, couldn't find their names when I googled, so, there you go. ><

P.S. I always thought that author notes are annoying when I'm reading, those unnecessary ones anyway, but then I realised how fun it is to disturb your readers. So too bad for you guys. ^^


-Yukina POV-

I laughed as Kakashi fanned away the smoke immediately after we arrived. Oh he's just so cute! "What!" he exclaimed.

"Oh nothing," I replied absentmindedly as I took off my shoes and check out his apartment at the same time. We arrived in the middle of the living room, the TV and the sofa on my left. Behind me is the door, with a shoe rack beside, and a doormat. I then put my shoes on the shoe rack, and continued to look around. In front of me is a corridor, and there are three doors, one presumably the bathroom, so there should be two bedrooms. Great! At least I'm not sleeping on the couch! I thought happily. To my right is the kitchen, with.. kitchen stuff there (more on that later). The walls are painted sky blue, and the tiles are made of white marble, smooth and cold. Overall, the decoration of Kakashi's house seems quite.. cheery. Weird.

I gave him a look. "What!" he exclaimed again.

"Nothing. Didn't expect your house to be so.. normal. I thought that your house would be more eerie. Or full of things related to that book." I replied, and moved to the kitchen before he could protest.

The kitchen is painted dark purple, and has ceramic tiles. A fridge is near the entrance of the kitchen, and in front of it is a dining table. There's a beige counter beside the fridge, with cupboards on top, and drawers below. The sink is just beside the dining table, next to the washing machine. And finally, a cooking stove near the window, at the end of the kitchen. I went to the fridge and opened it, searching for snacks. And Kakashi, being Kakashi, slammed the fridge shut before I could take anything, almost getting my hand in the process.

"What do you think you're doing, rummaging through my fridge," he growled.

I gulped. "Umm.. Maybe you should've noticed by now that it's dinnertime, and I didn't even have my lunch, so I'm absolutely and ferociously hungry. So.. are you going to starve your guest to death or LET ME EAT!" I shouted the last three words to him, and he took a step back, alarmed.

"Oops," I covered my mouth. "Sorry 'bout that. I get grumpy when I don't have food when I'm hungry," I apologised sheepishly. He rolled his eye.

"Let's go out to eat. I don't really have any food inside the house," he sighed.

"YIPPEE! FOOD! I LOVE YOU KAKASHI. NO, WAIT I LOVE FOOD MORE!" I screamed into his face, and attacked him with a hug. His body went stiff. Then I realised what I was doing. "Oops sorry. I guess you're not used to having hugs then?" I let go of him, feeling a bit embarrassed. He was going to reply, and the doorbell rang.


-Kakashi POV-

"YIPPEE! FOOD! I LOVE YOU KAKASHI. NO, WAIT I LOVE FOOD MORE!" Yukina screamed into my face, and attacked me with a hug. My body went stiff. Wha-Why is she hugging me?!?! "Oops sorry. I guess you're not used to having hugs then?" she let go of me, and frowned a bit. I was going to reply her, and the doorbell rang.

"I'll get this one," I said, and went to the door, glad that whoever's behind that door broke the awkward moment. When I opened the door, I saw a stuffed teddy bear lying on the ground. I frowned, then picked it up. "Is this yours?" I asked, not really expecting a "yes" from her.

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