Chapter 5: The Last Princess and Team 7

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-Yukina POV-

"Hokage-sama, I formally present to you, the last princess from the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Yukina." Taguya-kun said, earning three, yes, three shocked expressions.

"What the hell. You never told me," I said, and stared at him.

Taguya-kun scratched his head. "Well.. You never asked me, ojou-sama.."

"Okay. Fine. Whatever. Forget it. What is my relationship with Uzumaki Naruto," I asked Taguya-kun, anticipating his answer.

"Well.. You're his aunt, to be exact. Kushina hime was the first princess, and then she got sent to Konoha, and you know the rest."

"YES!" I pumped my fist into the air. "I'm related to Naruto-kun!"

"Wait. The Uzumaki clan has two princesses?" the Hokage asked, alarmed.

"Yes. Although ojou-sama was sealed into another world the moment she was born. It's sort of like the space-time ninjutsu Minato-san invented, only more 'high-classed'," Taguya-kun replied.

"Wait. So I'm dating a princess?!" Kakashi suddenly splurted, and I smacked him on the head, my cheeks burning.

"If you can't say anything useful then shut up!" I said to him, and turn back to the Hokage. He was watching us with a twinkle in his eyes now. Oh how I freaking hate that look.

"Furthermore, Hokage-sama, we have already seen what will happen in this world from the world that ojou-sama was sealed to, but I'm afraid we can't give you more information as doing so might alter the course of this world. However, we will be able to give you hints about the big events that will happen," Taguya-kun continued, unfazed by Kakashi's sudden outburst.

The Hokage then nodded. "That would be fair, I suppose. I agree if it means to have information before the other villages does,"

Then I thought of one very important question. "Can I tell Naruto-kun, Hokage-sama? About his parents?" I asked the Hokage, afraid that he would refuse.

"Okay." To my surprise, the Hokage agreed immediately. "He'll know who his parents are, sooner or later, and you're his relative so I suppose it would be okay.." the Hokage said. I heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that. Naruto is going to be so happy!

"Err.. One more thing, Hokage-sama. Can I have a hitai-ate? You didn't give me one this afternoon," I asked before I forget. If he's not going to give me one then I'll just take Kakashi's.

"Ah yes. Here you go," the Hokage handed me a hitai-ate. It was red, like the colour of my hair.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. If there's nothing else, I'd like to go home." I asked.

The Hokage said, "ah yes. One more thing. It seems like you're capable of performing ninjutsus, so your rank will change from Chunin to Jonin. And seeing how.. inseparable you and Kakashi are, you'll still be the assistant sensei of Team 7. Anymore questions?" I shoke my head and the Hokage said, "both of you are dismissed." I blushed and bowed to him again before exiting the room holding Taguya-kun in one hand and dragging Kakashi with the other.

"Where is your house again?" I asked, and all he did was stare at me. I grumbled and did the seals for the teleportation jutsu, appearing in the living room. "Taguya-kun you can go sleep in my room now, I need to take care of this idiot." Taguya-kun nodded and went back to my room, and I dragged Kakashi into his.

His room is about the same as mine, only that his blanket is green with pictures of shirukens on it. I put him down on his bed, and began to walk back to my room, but he grabbed my hand. "Stay with me," he asked, then without waiting for my reply, he pulled me onto his bed in a hug.

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